Came from a
[email protected] to a
[email protected] (returned as I saw hardly any difference from the 2600k in real world use and gaming was in line with margin of error (Cost of upgrade to 6700k £955) and now a 5930k... Reality time now..
2600k to 6700k for gaming on a single 980ti at 3440x1440 a waste of money and time. SLI saw about a 10% increase to the 6700k... I don't like SLI .. so it went back for a refund.
Still wanted to upgrade so went 5930K from the 2600k. Overall everything feels smoother and runs just as well for gaming as the 6700k and 2600k on a single 980ti at 3440x1440. BUT the real improvements that made this worth its money was every other application and general desktop use feels more snappy and more responsive.
Now reality time again for people on 4 cores and if you have an i7 with HT so 4c/8t games are starting to use more cores and application. Check out the Division for one that uses more than 4 real cores not just HT. Also Nvidia users will find that the drivers will use a real core for itself that improves performance so people with more than 4 cores get a boost in games that support more than 4 real cores not HT.
Now my use of the PC I like to game on it and also like to do a lot of multi tasking and tasks that can strain the CPU a lot, so the 6 cores wins for me in that use. If you game only and not a power user get a skylake if you really want them 1-5 extra frames in real world use, if you are a power user 6 cores+ cpus are for you now, or you will be very disappointing with skylake.
You guys can argue about this till you go blue really. I have been threw this and seen the real world scenarios played out on cpu bound games FSX (4 cores used only) on all 3 cpus and reality is they all are pretty good for cpu limited low core use games (4 core and under)..
Now if you want to future proof and have been in computing a while, you will know more cores are always better and will always come into play in the future.. as we saw from dual core to quad core... and guess what people cried foul back then too saying a dual core was enough for games and they even showed they were faster in some games because the dual cores clocked higher than the quads... move on a few months and maybe a year or 2 ... dual core systems for gaming became obsolete because quad cores became the standard .... Guess what's happening soon ?
Skylake is a hard sell and even Intel have realised this but they are trying to catch out the market that doesn't understand technology or are new to it and have not seen the history of what happens as technology changes. OR are just not power users and want to game only on their computers and do general stuff that even a single core system can do well.
NOW before all you people with skylake cry foul... yes I mean you Dave... go read up a little and check the history regarding core use in games and how the changes come into place.
Also all you people with Skylake and are none power professional users of a computer should be happy with what you have as they are great gaming cpus, now you forget some of us here are power professional users too and found out that skylake wasn't enough of an upgrade from our previous highend systems... This is why we went X99 and also dropped the IGPU that as power professional users we don't use but we pay for it.. One thing that annoyed me about SandyBridge was this IGPU that was useless to me but it was sat there in my cpu using power and creating heat even when disabled and I paid for it to do these things that annoy me as I don't use it. They (intel/AMD) really should be making SKUs that don't have the IGPU if we don't want them or have them laser cut on the die so they are not electrically connected.. This sku could have been aimed at people like me and Intel could have saved some money by using chips with dead IGPUs that some of us didn't want in the first place... win win for me and Intel.. but they are to busy trying to be the next graphics card company...
This is my view on the CPU situation we are all in right now. The real issue is CPU progress has come to that point again where more cores are going to be added until they change from silicon and move to a new material as they did in the past, "silicon" as we know it has changed a good few times and it may change again to allow the new types of chips again with again more cores and higher speeds, for now as Intel has told us cpus are going to get slower, what they mean is the GHZ (clock speed) and to combat this they will add more cores until they move away from silicon or change it to a new recipe type again as they have done many times. Moore's Law is over with guys and girls and that's the reality and has been for a few years now.. Sad to see it go as CPUs were my favorite component in computers..
Now for professional use intel has Xeon 18 core/36 thread cpus which are the best they make currently.. so if you really want more cpu power in a desktop get a motherboard with dual cpu sockets and stick two of them bad boys in for 36 cores and 72 threads.. but be prepared to sell your cars, remortgage your home or sell the kids to Angelina Jolie or Madonna .... but remember for gaming they are useless... this is for power professional users only.
Enjoy what you use from Skylake to Haswell-E for gaming they really are no different in real world use. Even my old 2600k that I sold is dearly missed as it was just as good as these new chips for gaming.