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6800 diagnostic tool?

The tests last about 10 - 15 minutes (I mean in total not individually, the whole thing should be finished in that period) and it doesn't generate a logfile per sae but you can see the results at the end (providing it completes the benchmarking) and there is a further details option that lets you see how your overall score was put together in more well.. detail (like FPS for individual tests and what your CPU and graphics scored seperately).

The ones at the start will run through quickly and they will indeed then run through again at FPS in single figures and with "jaggedy" graphics, that is because they are the CPU tests and software rendering has been near impossible (playable anyway) in modern games for quite some time (especially graphically intensive ones with engines like 3D Mark).

The screen shouldn't go black at any point in the tests (except perhaps very brief periods between them). I've seen it as a symptom of either the PSU or graphics card cutting out but if your getting corruption/sparklies then much less likely to be the PSU.

I'm guessing a friend installed the card for you, from what you said about the power connector so I don't suppose it would be possible for you to ask them to try the graphics card in his/her system? :)
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Possibly he could test it for me, but he is not really a gamer and I feel i would be imposing on him to download a benchmarking tool also ;p

Well I'll ask him anyway, but will check out the insides of my machine tommorow. Maybe the connector is loose or something /shrug

Will let you know, and thanks again :)
Well ... here is what I did

1. Open case and got the psu info:
EAGLE DR-B350atx

Voltage Current Freq

V-input 115V 8A 60-50Hz
230V 4A

+3.3 +5 +12 -5 -12 +5vsb
28A 35A 16A 0.3 0.8 2

MAX 200W 192W 1.5 9.5 10

2. I then cleaned some general dust floating around in the case etc
3. Removed graphics card, cleaned off some dust from the card fan (not terrible, but was dusty). Refitted card and power connector. (My first solo foray!)
4. Changed my case fan to one i got from quietpc a while back (never got round to opening the case since). Its an acoustifan (dustproof). Old one was pretty dusty though I cleaned it off 3 months ago when the case was last open. Its always been noisy, so opening the case was well worth it.

5. I got 3dmark05 to run. I got the following:
4459 3dmarks
GTI - 20fps
GT2- 12fps
GT3- 22fps
cpu tests
CPU1 - 1.5
CPU2 - 2.6

6. After runing the tests I checked temperatures. Well it may not be a fair comparison, since the machine had only been on 30 mins (whilst previous temps I collected have been after the machine has been on for hours). gpu was 55 C after tests.
(previously 61 or so). I don't believe 61 is over temp anyway, so this may be irrelevant.

Presumably something was stopping the 3dmark tests. Whats it likely to be?
Is the psu powerful enough?
If dust was the cause, is there any way to minimize it? Or some decent way to clean it more efficiently from time to time? (I used a paint brush and vacuum cleaner ;p)
Could the old fan have caused an heat issues?
Do the temperatures taken by speedfan or everest represent the real temperature? Could my card have been overheating but i never knew?

The only remaining 'worry' I have is a wierd pixellation effect I see on the top right corner of my browser window. I don't see it any other place or with any other application. I posted it here in case someone wants to look : http://homepage.ntlworld.com/n.juty/NSJ/misc/

Suggestions / tips welcome. Thanks everyone for all the help, esp tetras. You all have been an invaluable help to me and I really appreciate it! This site is such a great example of community helpfulness! Its the most positive experience I've had so far ;p Thanks!
Your 3D Mark 05 score is about right and I'd say your PSU depending on what else is in the system, will be being pushed pretty hard. I'm assuming 3D Mark ran through fine this time and didn't have corruption/black screen issues?

The pink blobs I'd say are the graphics card and unlikely to be software. It is possible that your card is overheating elsewhere than the GPU, as 60 degrees is well within operating temp for a 6800 GS under load (but rather toasty idle).

It could also just be that as the card is on the way out, running a little cooler has helped stability but ultimately it'll soon die anyway. Has the dust clean helped in EQ or just 3D Mark?
Aye -- I saw not pixellation during the 3dmark run at all. No jaggedy black lines, and no black screen requiring reboot.

The card only gets past 60 C after its been run a while. Although after cleaning it of dust it is down even lower. But as you say, EQ doesn't push the capabilities all that much anyway.

I guess there is no way to tell how long it will last? I've only noticed this pixellation recently (as seen on the screenshot).

I don't have huge amounts running on this machine. 2 HDs, DVD drive, card, floppy drive. I don't suppose getting a new psu would help the card though?

Not tried EQ again yet. maybe tonight or tommorow.

Only way to be sure if a new PSU would help is to borrow one with say, 20A + on +12v rail from friend or get them to try the card in their system (where they have a PSU that can handle it).

Alternatively try a card with similar power requirements or preferably the same card in your system and see what happens.

That you could run 3D Mark without issue is a complication cos I'd expect the card to conk out there if something is wrong but faults are often more than just *bang* dead anyway...

I suppose if it seems to be fixed you could put it down to the dust (and heat) and see what happens, in that time you might find the symptoms get even more obvious but don't wait until your warranty has run out to be sure :p Getting a decent PSU is never a bad investment though so if you have the cash to spare (£40 or so) could be worth giving it a go :)

My worry at the moment is we could say yes your graphics card is on the way out, get it sent back, they run benchmarks like 3D Mark finding no issues and send it straight back to you (with a testing and postage charge), so.. the more thorough your testing can be before you get there, the better.
Thats exactly what i was thinking about the return and getting the card right back with charges ;p

Warranty-wise, I spent that bit more than i had intended and got a bfg card with a great big 'lifetime warranty' notice slapped on the front of the box. I've had it less than 4 months so far...

PSU-wise. Well I think maybe you are right about it being a good investment in any case. (No pun intended). Any recommendations?
What kind of computer do you have? Is it just a custom build or standard ATX design? How big is the case?

Computer manufacturers sometimes use custom designs that can't be upgraded cos either the space for the PSU is too small or the wiring isn't standard.

The usual dimensions are something like: 15cm (W) x 9cm (H) x 14cm (D).

A 400 Watt PSU from a decent make should be adequate for an upgrade in the future and a reasonable amount of extras but if you ever want to go SLI/Crossfire it prolly wouldn't be enough.

You don't have that much in your case by the sounds so Modular might be handy, if so:
Enermax Liberty 400 Watt (30A +12v)

if not:
Seasonic S12 430W (29A +12v)

Don't let the wattage fool you when comparing to cheaper higher wattage PSUs, both of those are very powerful, capable of handling pretty much any single card system and can actually sustain high loads (not peak, i.e. just for a few seconds). I'd say the Seasonic will be quiter and more efficient but shouldn't be that much in it.
Newbieboy00 said:
Just wondering if anyone could offer me some advice.

I bought a BFG 6800 GS OC about 3 months ago, and its been working fine up until the last 3-4 days. The main issues I have are seen are in a game I play, which has been patched recently.

I've come to the conclusion that its either the patch thats responsible, or that my card is on the way out.

The effects I see are sparklie pixels, or odd triangular chunks of landscape that appear and disappear.

I have not modified the card at all, and speedfan / everest indicate it is running at normal temperature (cpu 50 C or so, card up to 62 C max).

I found some newer drivers and they reduced the problem in some areas of the game, and turning off vertex shaders reduces the problems some more. I do still have these issues though and it can get very nasty / messy ;(

Unfortunately thats about the extent of my troubleshooting expertise. Is there some free diagnostic software I can use to tell me if there is a problem with my card? Something easy to use for a 'novice' would be ideal. I have only the 1 machine, so swapping cards to another etc is near impossible. Anyone have any other suggestions by any chance? Could there be anything else responsible for these effects? Or is it time to find the warranty?

thank you!

I'm afraid your card has packed up....i suspect the factory overclock was too much to it & if you underclocked it back to refernce levels it would be fine

start the RMA process ASAP as from bitter experince it can take some time....
I've got a made to order mini tower thing. Roughly 43cm x 47 x 19 (hxdxwidth). Looks about normal size. I couldn't find the dimensions of my current psu online, but roughly (going by what I can see and the screw positions), it looks normalish size.

I played EQ last night and it all seemed to be running ok.

mda96bjh is also suggesting the card is broke, and actually maybe my efforts have only stalled the inevitable. The in-between state its possibly in at the moment is so frustrating. It will currently pass 3dmark05 tests (well the basic free ones anyway).

I guess I'll go ahead and order a psu. Its only money after all lol. I'm interested in quiet, so the seasonic I guess.

I'll report back in a week or so once I get it. Other suggestions still welcome in the meantime. The browser pixelization is irritaing me like heck right now :mad:
It is kinda weird (if you mean the pink stripes), my first thought on seeing that would be to check the connectors/pins on the graphics card/monitor but if that was the case I'm 99% sure it wouldn't show up with a print screen (since print screen is direct feed from graphics card, not what appears on the monitor).
Another program you can use to stress the card is rthdribl. It runs a looped animation until you decided to stop it.

Keep you temperature display up while running it.

Might be interesting to run before and after fitting a new PSU, if you still get corruption with your current set-up.
Well my problems in-game were not fixed for very long at all it seems :(
They are all back now -- massive triangular blocks of black, missing landscape, sparklies...

Mostlyl go away if i switch off vertex shaders and hw options in-game, but still a bit pixelly.

edit: actually now I am seeing pixelly effects on screen out of game. Usually they go after I reboot a couple of times.
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Ok I've come to the conclusion that turning off the options is not anything to do with what I am seeing. The effects were appearing with all options switched off, and they seem to come and go. eg effects for 30 mins, then fine for 30 mins, then back again.

I've posted some screenies here :

One other thing that occurs to me. My case can get a bit rattly. Is it possible that my card is becoming 'loose' or not making a good connection so I see these effects between when its in an *ok* position, and *not ok* position? I can't really exaplin why the effects come and go etc.

Any ideas? Will order a new psu in a while...
It is hard to say 100% but as already said, big blocks and strange sparklies, are usually graphics card on the way out. As far as rattly I'm not quite sure what you mean? The card wouldn't become loose unless one or more of the sides/motherboard/bracket/AGP retention clip wasn't firmly secured, I doubt fans on their own would be enough but if the problem fixes everytime you reseat the card then....
I just mean that the whole case has always been a bit rattly. When I push on the bacvk panel a bit it quietens down. I've just put it down to an ill-fitting panel in my mind. I can't see anything actually loose at all

I've ordered a psu from overclockers now. May get to put it in at the weekend if it arrives
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