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6800k or 7700k

2 Feb 2010
Going to do a rebuild on my 2500k rig.

Wondering whether to go x99/6800k or wait for z270/7700k.

I mostly use the pc for gaming, media streaming and general usage. Doubt I'll be upgrading for a long time after this. I'll be overclocking it.
Yeh this is my debate all over.

More cores for the future or the latest features and single threaded performance for the now.

I don't really need the extra pcie lanes though. I have no plans for sli and will be sticking with a single 1070 for at least two years.

Unfortunately i can't go throwing the money around for a 6950x :p

I'd say £650 is my limit on this rebuild.
Well I'm not really short on cash but there's a limit to what I'm prepared to throw at my pc. Want to get my mortgage paid off in the next few years :)

The 5820k seems to be harder to get hold of and not much cheaper than the 6800k.

Happy with my 1070 for gaming at 1440p but feel my cpu is now a little behind the times.
I'd go 6800k but it seems they only clock to about 4.2 ghz and the x99 platform is getting a little old now.

Shame there are still no 6 core mainstream parts :(
Well no, I'm sure it isn't. I'm just trying to weigh up the best for my needs :)

Will hang on for more overclocking results on the 7700k before making a decision i think.

If most 7700k are hitting 5ghz i might be swayed.
If i go 6800k what am i likely to be able to clock it to? I'm guessing 4.2ghz?

Actually i just priced up a 6800k, x99 board and 16gb of ddr4 and it came to £680. Maybe a bit more than i want to spend.
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Priced up a 5820k, asrock x99 board and 16gb of ram and I'm looking at around £640.

So minus the £400 voucher i have, I'm looking at a £240 outlay.

I'm guessing a 7700k setup will cost me around £100 less.
As gaming is probably my biggest usage, I'd want to see some gaming benchmarks before considered zen.

So far only 8 core chip details have been released. Seems more of a workstation chip at the moment.

Would be very interested in a higher clocked 6 core version though assuming the price was good.

I have a feeling the 7700k will be the fastest gaming chip for the next couple of years. They will likely clock to 4.8ghz and have higher ipc. Although as we already know, it's just a slightly higher clocked 6700k...
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It does seem that amd are at least going to be competitive with zen. We have desperately needed a competitive amd to stop intel resting on their laurels and price gouging.

I do think more cores is the future. But i doubt you'll need more than a quad i7 for gaming for a few years yet.
I do like the look of zen from what I've seen.

But gaming is probably my biggest use so any cpu i buy has to do this well as a priority.

I await proper gaming benches with interest.

But I'd ideally want a cpu with more than 4 cores with the future in mind.
Well it certainly looks to be a competitive product from amd this time around.

It's about time amd made some sort of comeback as their last few rounds of cpus have been way off the mark.

I have been sick of seeing intel hold back on desktop cpu development due to lack of competition and charging the earth for their products.

I hope that now changes.
Well, i can't be bothered waiting for kaby lake and z270 doesn't seem all that exciting so i think I'm just going to get a z170 / 6700k setup so i have something to play with over xmas :)

X99 is a little too pricey for my blood.

Edit: ordered a 6700k, 16gb of corsair ddr4 3000mhz ram and the asrock gaming 6 board. After using my vouchers it cost me £140 which i will probably get back selling my old stuff :)
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You been on 2500k for how many years? Another month lol.

Yeh i know :p

But z270/kaby is seriously underwhelming and will launch with higher prices. Cpu will be £360 and the boards that fit my needs will start at £200. So that's about £120 more than what i just bought.

There will be next to no difference in performance and i want something to tinker with on my week off :)
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