6th Generation Appreciation Thread (PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, Dreamcast)

Just plugged in my dreamcast :) still such an awesome console through VGA

Boss went to Toronto and found me a big box copy of alien front online! :)

Now to get a dreampi up and running to play that and Phantasy Star Online
It was the Gamecube that got me back into gaming, late teens/early twenties I had other things to keep me occupied but sometime in 2006 I picked up a fantastic Gamecube bundle through the members market here, IIRC a Gamecube, controller, pair of wavebirds and almost 20 games for a bargain price.

Aside from the usual Mario games it was Wind Waker, Resident Evil 4 and Soul Caliber that had me busy. Since then I've also had a console for gaming and still play the odd Gamecube game on my arcade cab.
It was the Gamecube that got me back into gaming, late teens/early twenties I had other things to keep me occupied but sometime in 2006 I picked up a fantastic Gamecube bundle through the members market here, IIRC a Gamecube, controller, pair of wavebirds and almost 20 games for a bargain price.

Aside from the usual Mario games it was Wind Waker, Resident Evil 4 and Soul Caliber that had me busy. Since then I've also had a console for gaming and still play the odd Gamecube game on my arcade cab.

Currently hooked into the world of the Gamecube again. Great system.
I found the mentioned generation hugely underwhelming though was spoiled by PC game during this time. 16bit now that’s another matter.
I was thinking. I haven't bought into any of the console re-releases (nes/playstation mini etc) but I would buy a Dreamcast re-release on day 1. I know they would never make one though. :(
From that gen I only had ps2 as I was also playing on the pc and being a student funds wouldn't allow for more consoles. I did play at friends DC and GC though and I might say that i really enjoyed that generation as each console had amazing games.
I was blown away by the generation jump from the ps1, saturn, n64. The graphics where totally different and the sequels for various games looked wow.

Resident Evil 1 remake on GC was brilliant. Gran Turismo 3 and 4 looked stunning for back then. MGS2 and 3 where amazing games. Final Fantasy X the first game with massive amount of spoken dialogues. DC had all those arcade games at home. Briliant gen. I didn't have a chance to play XBOX until way later my brother got one and that too was amazing.

6th generation in my mind felt like a big jump in graphics and tech compared to the previous one in my books. While ps3 to ps4 didn't feel as much difference, felt more like i just upgraded my pc that now can play the same game with better resolution at least at the start.

I might say that I enjoyed each generation quite much, ps3 xbox360 generation took awhile until I enjoyed it, because probably of the stupid price the ps3 had plus i was at the end of my uni time so didn't have time to play much.

Only issue I have for current and previous gen is the amount of remasters of games especially at the begining was stupid. Give me a remake like Resident Evil 2 remake everyday and I will definitelly buy it. That was a proper new game in my books. I am not fond of rebuying the same game i had in my ps2 with a bit better textures but the FMVs look atrocious because they haven't been upscaled. I believe i have the god of war duology on both the ps3 and vita and yes the graphics look better than the ps2 in game but the videos don't look nice. While back then it was the fmv's prerendered scenes that made a game look wow. Obviously because they didn't have the assets to re render in bigger resolution etc.

What an age we live in though.
I bought a PS2 when the price first dropped to £199 from new from WHSmith's. It was faulty unfortunately and couldn't play any DVDs without freezing and crashed on occasion in Quake 3 Revolution which I got with the console so I took it back and got a warranty replacement which I still have and got out again at the weekend. The disc draw is a little poorly and makes a rattling on opening and closing (and slows down while closing) which it did not used to do when new, but the drive still reads games pretty quickly when you pop them in and it's still fun to play. I had a multitap and four controllers which were great for Quake and Bomberman Hardball. Great memories of the PS2, overall.

I do not doubt the other consoles were influential in their own way, but never owned any of those.
I have a collection of Xbox’s still get used today by me and the kids. I was big into modding them back in the day but now just play the odd classic....
Bought a new telly box, no vga connection so bought a hdmi cable for my dreamcast. Been years since I've played on it properly but now it's going to stay on the TV stand.
Just ordered a GC Loader for my GameCube as the preorders opened up again, will be a while before I get it but looks like a good bit of kit. Gonna order a Rad 2x cable for it when they come back in stock so that it’s more plug and play for when I bring it downstairs to the living room.
Just ordered a GC Loader for my GameCube as the preorders opened up again, will be a while before I get it but looks like a good bit of kit. Gonna order a Rad 2x cable for it when they come back in stock so that it’s more plug and play for when I bring it downstairs to the living room.

Got that this week:


Pretty good piece of kit and so easy to install. Got the RAD 2x cable this week as well, so it's much easier to play on both of my TV's.
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I remember seeing Gran Turismo 3 and Metal Gear Solid 2 demo's running on the PS2 for the first time. My mind could not comprehend what my eyes were seeing. The light shafts of the back straight on Trial Mountain, the sparks off the cars. The way the ship floor was reflective in the rain on MGS2, that opening sequence of him jumping off the bridge onto the boat... mind blown moment.
Prior to the EU launch in Nov 2000, one of my colleagues imported a Japanese PS2 and took it into work. We hooked it up to the work's plasma screen. He put on a racing game - I guess it might have been Ridge Racer V - and all I remember was being blown away by the leap in clarity in the graphics - no more squinting to read lettering/details on cars. Going back home to Gran Turismo 2 kinda lost its appeal after that :)

Took a while but I think I got my PS2 in late 2001. Thanks to Amazon's extensive record keeping I see that I bought an official PS2 DVD remote and a memory card in January 2002 :)

The PS2 took what the PS1 did and ramped it up a notch in more ways than just the technical. I'm sure I'm not the only person for whom the PS2 was also their first DVD player. While the PS1 could play audio CDs, it wasn't going to replace the CD players that most people already had and used. Coupled with the remote (official or otherwise), the PS2 was a perfectly acceptable DVD player and it came out at a sweet spot in time where most people (ie. not the early adopters) were getting around to thinking about replacing their VCRs. Great timing, and I have little doubt the fact that it could also play DVDs played a part in many people's weighing up when it came to thinking about a purchase (or a kid's bargaining with/badgering of parents ;) ).

I'll always think fondly of my PS2 days.
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I went through all of these, had a cracked Dreamcast which was amazing as we could download iso's from our work network (housemate was in the network team and before anyone cared about that stuff we had our own squid proxy sat on the network!), think phantasy star online was my first online gaming experience. Spent about a week off sick playing that non stop! Modded xbox was also great, Halo was a gamechanger and one the S controller came out it was my go to for most of the generation.

Soft spot in my heart for the GC, while all the others I rotated through and swapped out with mates etc, the GC was with me for the duration. Loved playing Animal Crossing and pikmin with the then g/f, and windwaker kept me busy for ages.
I still got my dreamcast all boxed up. Had loads of games for it but only one i ever played was marvel vs capcom 2. That game was the only reason i got the Dreamcast
still have my DC, would love to get a boxed one as my old faithful is getting rather yellow. Have about 60 UK games still and around 20 import Jap games too.

Running on a VGA adaptor it is still such a brilliant console and games look fantastic still. recently played some Alien Front Online, Daytona 2001 and Crazy Taxi on my 55" in lounge....spot on!
Here is my Dreamcast;


More here

and here is my Game Cube


That has PAL internals and a GCLoader installed
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