6xl to just xl I hope

2 May 2014
Ok So this thread was prompted by a smill disclosure in the Star Wars themed Chair thread.

Ok - I'm about 180KG's.

Yep you read that right.

One Hundred and Eighty KG's

That's more then some of you lift. And I walk about carrying that everyday.

So step 1

Root Cause - Why are you such a fat *******

I could say all the cliche's - I've tried fad diet's, I did gym etc etc

Truth is since finishing school all my job's have been desk based. And my diet was crap.

Last year I made a massive effort for my brothers wedding and dropped down to 21 stone - ok still not the 13-14 I see people say on here, but hey it was a lot of weight. I ate well, i exersized well - I was as seem's to be the saying 'On point'

I did carry on after the wedding for abit

Then I made one of the biggest mistakes, I went to see my biological dad. Why is that a mistake you might ask?
Well after almost a year of hard work, clean eating and exersize the first word's out of his mouth were 'You've not lost any weight at all you look fatter then ever'

Gee thank's. Show's how much attention you've paid to me as your son.

So that totally erased any thought's that I had that I'd made a change and people could see it.

Yes people in work had said it, and it had been mentioned at the wedding extensively - but for some reason this one comment from a (now) insignificant low life really hit me hard.

First thing I did - Massive £18 Macdonalds binge, and then spent 30 minutes throwing it up.

Then my housemate dropped them bombshell - he's moving out and ending the rental.

Yeah so thing's normally come in 3's - ther was 2. Were was the 3rd?

Well thankfully there was no 3rd.

I've dealt with 1 and 2 as well - removed the offending person from my life and bought my own home.

So that bring's me to now.
So current steps I have taken

1 - I am back on my eating plan this is basically as follows

Breakfast - Scrambled Egg's (No yolk) 2x vegaterian sausages

Lunch - 2x brown muffins, Lettuce, Cucumber, Carrots and mixed peppers

Tea - 1 x oven cooked chicken breast (plain) 1 x baked sweet patatoe, Sweetcorn, peas and carrots

Over the whole day 4-7 mugs of green tea (flavoured is allowed aswell - so i normally have loads of the twinnings ones knocking about)

Water 3-4 750ml bottled of water


Ok this isn't easy - but no pain no gain(or loss in this case)

My leg strength as you can imagine from lugging myself about is fine - sitting on the leg press machines I have no issue with doing 3x15 reps at 200KG's - the max the machine has.

My leg fitness - so walking etc - is crap bluntly. I have 2x 15 minute walks from the tram to stop to work and back + the walk home aswell each day - so about 1 hour walking a day. and yes this leaves me breathless.

My back, my back annoys me. It's your core, so with the weight mine has hanging off it, it should be relatively ok i thought. Nope. Standing to do the washing up yeah, 20 minutes in and it aches.

My chest and arm's - yes well I have them. Again last year during my sessions - I was fine, but they have since jsut gone to mush.

So what exersize have I been doing

1 - Walk around the block. Yeah it's simple and it's a extra 30 minutes every day, and I hurt after doing it. when I no longer hurt I'll make it longer till it does hurt again, and keep going till that doesn't etc etc.

2 - A simple home routine my PT gave me last year. 3x 20 stair sets (Basically up and down the stairs 1 rep = up and down) with no more then 20 seconds between them. 5 x 15 squats with a 2 litre bottle in each hand. 5 x 15 lunges ( 1 rep = 1 lunge on either side) again with a filled 2 litre bottle in each hand. Arm raise's. from vertical to hozitontal, stright out, pause for 5 seconds at horizontal 3 x 10. Same as before but arms out wide(not in front but to the side) 3 x 10. Finish with 3x15 pressup's

Previously I could do the above (barring the stairs) during 1 episode of NCIS. I can't currently but that's the goal - may sound daft but hey this work's for me.

My aim for 2016 -be back in the gym by September (I'll explain why this after this)
try to be a the before wedding shape and weight

the reason i want to be back in the gym in september is that's when I have set my self the target of restarting the PT sesions - and I want to get my self in a postion to start.

So yeah....... having re read post 1 - bit shocking huh
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Cheers Freefaller

Yeah seem's I've been the provibial swan - calm and peaceful on top, going to ten to the dozon under neath.

there have been other thinhs, but there dealt with - now it's just me.
Cheers Tom

Yeah, the green Tea does help there for me, but as I wrote - it's really just a guideline as such.

the breakfast and dinner are fixed (purely because I have a desk based job - 17 floors up( And yes i do take the stairs down some floors to the lifts sometimes aswell)) as thats the best option from the works subsidised resturant currently. It's decent from a protein, fibre and low fat wise.

Tea I can add more veg, or another chicken breast to.

Someone did suggest a small pot of natural (the single serviings you normally see on a buffet style place) with breakfast would be worth while - natural sugars etc. I'm not totally sold on that though,

I could add some more fruit though?
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Cheers Rids - I'm sure anything anyone has to add is valuable. as you've all said, I've done it once, i know how to do it and I know how hard it is - But the hard part was starting

Yeah I'm just making small changes right now - they might seem like big ones but there not in the grand scheme.

I'm not a big fan of weigh -in's etc, I work on the bases of how my clothes feel on me - are they to baggy, do my trouser's fit etc.

as weird as it is - that steak and chips sort of meal is what I see as a treat now - though I have sweet patatoe chips
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Ahhh bugger!!!!

Works heating system is broken - so no canteen

Crap :(

Any suggestions guys of places near Victoria Station Manchester for reasonable but not stupid food? Loads of nice resturants - but none of them a uber healthy .

Plus side - the walk will do me good and my body keeping me warm ups the metobolism right?
Well ended up on a a tuna (not tuna mayo - just tuna) and salad butty, carrots and fat free humous and a bottle of water

Subway would have been a good call - the que was huge though :(
Ok so Week 1 done.

Food - Fine, Though saturday I didn't eat that much - and I made a Tomoatoe, Quark, turkey bits and pasta at 5ish as I had a later breakfast of 2 x brown toast and a bowel of shredded wheat.

Exersize - Missed 1 day of the routine on Sunday as I was feeeling very very worn out - though I still walked round the block

Feelings - Well I've more room in my work chair and my clothes feel a little better fit wise.

Restocked on Green tea now :)

Just had my scrmbled eggs veg sausage and about to ahve the 2nd Green tea of the day :)

Oh and a Question - Has anyone ordered the £19 16 peice steak bundle from Muscle foods? Is it any good? I'm thinking getting it for sunday treat day? And what is kale like - I've never had it but I'm interested in this?
Cheers Kris

Yes and no

I do eat a lot of the above - However, the chicken would be fried, the sandwhich would be grilled with melted cheese etc the breakfast would be fried egg, bacon and proper sausages (with cheese)

I also used to really hit Pizza's hard - very hard (Think 2x 18inch in one sitting hard :( )

And I'd always have sugar in my tea (normal) and drink lots of full fat fizzy drinks.

So I've simply changed the food to the more healthy version, and dropped the bad fatty things / exchanged them for the healthy version.

So my chicken - not deep fried and battered
my chips - Sweet patatoe oven baked, not white patatoe and fried
Sausages - Vegatarian not proper meaty ones, and oven cooked not fried

The big change is the exersize side.
Those kind of number I agree would mean more to me (purely from the side of what clothes I can buy) as well as the bost of seeing them actually reduce.

One thing my PT said last year was I shouldn't expect to ebcome a slim person - and to be fair, I don't want to be super skine. I just want to be in shape (Not a round ball/pear like now)

Thanks for the words of encourgement guys. I promise I'll keep this updated.

If anyone has any advice on the food as I put up in the 2nd post happy to take it on board aswell :)
Cheers Box

I don't actually drink massively and often - i can count on 1 hand how many times I've beeb drunk - and 2 hands how many times I've had a drink. So thats not a issue to remove it.

the fruit salad sound's a good idea - I do like that,a nd they ahve fresh fruit salad in the canteen - mainly, Kiwi, Grapes, Watermelon / honey dew Melon which I like.

Soup - yes My aunty loves making it and always stocks us up on it so I have that a plenty aswell at my finger tips should I need it.

I can certainly switch my breakfast to alternate days and have porridge with rasins etc as thats avilable aswell - and it's made with water not milk here.

Yeah I do try to have a big bottle of water with me and if I feel hungry I have a drink of that first see if the feeling maintains before deciding to eat - hence my water consumption.

On my desk here currently I'm looking at 3 x 750ml bottles of water and 5 used green tea teabags (pineapple and grapefruit - apparently both good for buring weight?)

Dinner was on que - 2x brown muffins, LEttuce, cucumber, carrots and mixed peppers and a bottle of water

And I did go down 3 floors to get the lift aswell - small steps, but hey
Thanks French :)

Yeah - I'm not thinking about it to much but enough to keep me in check.

I'll get my fitness pal when I get home and get it set up - I did have it but on a old phone that has passed away now.

On Green tea number 6 of the day (Mango and Lychee this one - smells amazing )
No I hadn't, look interesting though.

I'll have a look at costs for it see what weight's they go up to.

One thing I do remember from last year is I was getting to a point with my hand weights, were my PT was putting my on 7.5's per hand for the training session - but I felt very little in term sof arm burn or difficulty. So I started doing the same work out myself but with 10's - and felt that much more in terms of burn after a session.

Thats all in the future though - first steps are just get in a postion to be able to work effectively in the gym
Had a look at the blades - Think I'll order the CXT one next payday. Cheers for the point there :)

Fell down the stairs last night during my reps, mis placed my foot and slipped - still managed to finish the routine though, it really ache's today - may have to move sunday rest to today.

Food's still on the line though - and all though its only a week and a couple of days in - I need to get a new belt to KEEP my trousers up :)

Things like that make me smile
Ok well - didn't really rest as much as I thought I would last night - I cut the stairs out but still did the rest.

Can already start to feel better, as I did last year after 3 month sof training with my PT, so it's not taken much to get me back up and going - just a week of strong de tox and flush out with water and green tea and clean simple foods.

By this I mean, I don't find myself as out of breath stomping across town to get the tram unless I'm almost at a slow jog pace. My back is starting to ache less (30 minutes stood up doing the washing wahoo lol)

Had to change to some trousers I got middle of last year as my current ones seem to not fit and my belt hasn't arrived yet :)
Pretty chilled weekend, did my routine and went for a walk round a local resivour with some friends.

Did some weight's with my cousin though on sunday afternoon. Did as follows, just simple arm raise's, and curls I think there called?

10 x 10 with 5kg
10 x 10 with 7.5kgs
5 x 5 with 10's
1 x 5 with 12.5

Very very dead arm's, but it was a lot of fun.

He suggested next time using the large balance balls to do sit up's with 5kg's in each hand as added resistance - what do you think?
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