7 am and my lifes over :(

13 Jun 2011
Just dropped an 1ltr bottle of isopropyl alcohol onto the parquet Floor in the kitchen. It promptly melted all the varnish off the floor.

missus is still in bed. Do i just pack my bags and leave now?

Well. Im still alive.

The missis has seen it, wasn't as bad as i thought. She looked and just went back upstairs. Lots of banging around tho (packing?)

came down just now and im gonna be looking at check a trade for a tiler now apparently.
It's not real parquet though? it's tiles that look like it?

shouldn't real parquet all be seamless not tile shaped or it defeats the point surely?

no its real wood parquet. But its laid in squares.

dont ask me i didnt put it down lol, theres loads of it spare in the garage.

its this stuff.


who ever mentioned that it would just accelerate her plans to replace the floor was completly right tho as all ive heard all day is “i didnt like that floor anyway” and “lets just replace the whole thing now”
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