70d - Videographers wet dream

I've been sitting on my wallet since the 40D, but have been eager to get a DSLR with video capability. Thanks to the return of microadjustment and some of the other intriguing features on this iteration, I think I may finally have a good excuse to dip into my savings.

As an enthusiastic amateur I still struggle with a grand+ for a camera, and I waited until the 40D was only £500 before buying into Canon for the 1st time. But given the amount of pleasure that camera's given me, I might just suspend my frugal instincts to pay an early price for this.

We'll see. There's plenty of time for disappointment, but so far it looks like Canon have tried hard to compete against Nikon's recent offerings, which have been pretty impressive. If my favourite lens wasn't my much loved and over-used 100-400L, I'd probably have switched by now.
If it can track a subject WHILE recoding a video from corner to corner since it's a double pixel ssytem, like, at f/1.4 it would track the subject's eyes through the frame keeping that eye in focus much like how the 5D3/1Dx do when in AI Servo and burst shooting, then that is amazing stuff for videographers.

Manual or not this kind of speed shooting means action can be shot by enthusiasts without having to fork out a fortune for follow focus rigs.

It looks like it will pull it off as well.
That is like saying with a zoom lens the camera can decide what co,position you want and change the zoom and t,ad a photo all by itself without input from you, which is absurd.

Within a single scene without changing compsoiton the focus point might change sereveral times, e.g. With A Couple speaking the focus might shift between the 2 people back and forth following the conversation. And it is not even about choosing focus locations, it is things like the speed of focus change that th director wants control over, e.g Smooth fade vs quick snap.

Professionals have a focus puller who's job it is to rotate large wheels to accurately and quickly change the focus.

I'm not saying AF for video will ever replace manual focus but just because you can't imagine a way for it to ever work doesn't mean it won't?

Most of these new cameras will start to have touchscreens like the 650d/700d and this 70d and the touchscreen can be used to switch focus points. As far as controlling focusing speed, it's not exactly rocket science! Somewhere in the settings you put a focus speed slider and presto, you get a simple way to get slow or fast focus speeds for the shot you're trying to get. Lots of cameras already have face recognition so it'll be easy enough to simply tap on a face and have it tracked automatically when the tech improves.

When technology improves with eye tracking you might even be able to switch focus just by looking at what you want to focus on from the back of the camera.

Sooner or later stuff like this will be available and as Mrk pointed out, I'm sure it'll help plenty of people.
Well he seems to be a fan :) Definitely seems to be an improvement on the earlier versions available on 650d and 700ds
For video? It's a huge improvement compared to all Canon/Nikon DSLRs that shoot video right now!
I meant the hybrid AF, this seems to be a much improved version that they had on the 650d first and then the 700d. Not really worth comparing it to anything else imo as the video AF on those is carp :P

Will be interested to see some reviews of image quality when it's out.
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