£760 spec please

5 Mar 2006
Hey all i am kinda new to all this and have not much know how so need your help please:)

Could you please spec me a pc for games that could run a 19" LCD monitor at the 1284*1024 res and no need to be crossfire or sli avalable just want 1 gfx card now and ever

Would need this for games and general use but mostly games:)

Needs to run new games at decent settings not botherd which ati or nvidia would do.

NO OVERCLOCKING will ever be done on here and needs to be near silent the quieter the better for all thoes late night games.

Cheers guys all systems will b looked at.

please note will b ordering saturday so needs to be all in stock.

And could you please recomend a 19" LCD monitor for around £220

Cheers all ure great

Just need the tower and monitor for £970 max have all other bits n pieces.
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Is that all? thought would have been more as the gfx card is about 6 more and the ram is abotu 19 or summet?

And also could u please recomend a monitor:)
Cheers m8 will that cpu cooler also be quieter that the stock cooler?

And off-topic how many posts do i need to be able to get on the member selling thingy me bobby?

Cheers now just considering which to go for.

How good is the OcUk ram?

And also how much better is the dual core cpu than the single?

Cheers m8
How much diffrence do you think it will make from a 2.66ghz celeron (the rubish 1's) ?

And do you think if i upgraded the case to a 480w psu it would be better while i have the money or is it fine how it is even if i wanted 2 upgrade in the future?
My mum's bf knows a few people who put them together for a second job thou to speak and will ask him for me 2 moz and he is only a phone call away
Explicit said:
lol, major difference compared to the celeron.

overclocking guide:
better to read it a few times before you start.

The antec case + 400w psu will be fine, but if you want to upgrade it then that's your choice. Sonato II?

Good because this takes around 2 mins to boot up and get on to msn which is 222 long imo and is that just to oc the CPU? How far do you think i could get the 2x3800+ to go maybe x2 4000 or higher with that cooler u suggested?
So isnt that the 2x4400+ stock speed?

If it is iw ill b saving about £80 ? buy just "overclocking" thats top tbh, will try on this pc first then move on to the new 1
Is there any way to revers the overclocking if my pc fails to boot for some strange reason or another ?

Or would i ned to boot up the pc to change it?

Cheers guys
Well thats ace but just need to be able to do it lmao, Do you think it will be capable with that cooling and that ram and mobo ?
lol i am there tomorrow thou :( and friday is inset day :) i h8 being so oung but when i get older i will say i h8 being older lmao so u crnt win just have to live life to the full i suppose and start that buy having a good PC :)
lmao just *** i was thinking,

Cheers for all the advice m8 will reply to post when i have bought and built which probs be building sunday then playing rest of sunday and monday then will start overclocking (if i think needs b)

Cheers for the specs and advice :)
Will read reviews and *** not see if its worth it and if not just elave it how it is as will be a big improvement on this pc i am on now any way so :)
lol just see a thread soon titeld "£10 for the ultimate pc specs" made by explict lol would probs get a few orders but dont think oCuK would like that on there forums lol do you?
Good news i have soem 1 to put my pc together at last:)

Just need to find a solid spec at £970 includin vat and a monitor and i am ready for the gaming world :)

and do you think £40 for putting it together is a fare fee?

Cheers explict
Good :) i will have it all at my home from pick-up on saturday and he will be around sunday morning to build hopefully be done in time for em to install the basics and have a game or two on sunday night before skool on monday :)
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