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7700k Delid questions (materials)

Thanks for the trust message! I think that guy is just a wee bit special though, don't you?!

Oh he's definitely a few sandwiches short of a full basket! Said I'd give you heads up anyway just incase.

I'm tempted to sell by binned 6700k before I delid it and pick up a 7700k just to have the magic 5Ghz 24/7.
I assume you would be advised to insulate these components with nail varnish etc, in case any liquid metal should get on them?

No need if you apply the lm properly. Haswell has components MUCH closer to the die than KabyLake and my Haswell has been fine for 3 years.
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Looks like too much Liquid metal by far on this example and scratching the glue off is a fail also.
Does the 7700K have the same thin PCB as the skylake CPUs?

I delidded a 3570K using the vice only method which was super easy but I have heard that it can damage newer chips as they just bend.
Looks like too much Liquid metal by far on this example and scratching the glue off is a fail also.

Why is scratching the glue off a fail? Do you mean he should have used something to remove it properly or that he shouldn't have removed it at all? If it's the latter, how come?
Looks like too much Liquid metal by far on this example and scratching the glue off is a fail also.

From what I'v seen, you only need a terribly thin layer of Liquid Metal, this is gonna be my first attempt, am I right in thinking it needs to be complete coverage over the DIE and IHS before putting it back together or, can you do like paste and leave small gaps thus making it spread a bit?

Do you have a delidding guide?

^ Would like to see that, just to reassure me that the 10000 YouTube videos which are the same are correct :D

Ordered a Rockcool 88 after doing some research on the people behind the products, done my delid now :D

how does it perform with hizi?

I sit above 120FPS at all times pared with a 980Ti on low settings (model / texture on high) 200+ in the open. I stream it in the mornings GMT ~10-3 if you wanna come in and I can tell ya FPS at the time.

Delid has solved most issues for me: http://puu.sh/tJ9QO/dac82ee30a.png loop is still bleeding slowly and no side panels on for airflow and fans are sloooooow. Going to est 90 tops at 5Ghz
Please elaborate.

Too much LM can have negative effects, you only need a tiny amount and it HAS to be level with no beads in the paste, if it beads up, it can crack the die. Unlike TIM, you don't want to just put a load on and let it spread with the weight of the IHS as it can fall out and hit other parts under the IHS causing potential damage.

If you don't remove the glue properly, it will cause an uneven surface and weird temps, I had this when I reglued mine, there was a tiny bit in the corner I missed whilst delidding which resulted in two cores being ~60 and the other two ~80. I'v only delidded once but learnt a lot. You only need like half a grain of rice when it comes to Liquid Metal and application is important here, if it's not smooth / level, it could crack the die.

I think that's what he means by too much LM and fail glue cleaning.
Unless you're running some cost saving exercise, too much liquid metal is much better than too little. Using more than you need won't impede performance. Too much TIM from a performance perspective is a misconception, as it is pumped out with the mounting pressure of the cooler anyway.

Bare die is a complete waste of time. Have tried it myself with the EK kit and the MSI delid die guard. Even if you're really careful it is easy to damage the socket pins.

The performance was actually worse using both solutions than placing the IHS back on the die.
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I was tempted to delid my 7700k the same way I did my 3770k using a very sharp knife and being very careful. However, is there somewhere uk based I could order a proper tool to failsafe the process as I would rather pay out for a tool I might only use a couple of times than risk wrecking a £300+ cpu.
I was tempted to delid my 7700k the same way I did my 3770k using a very sharp knife and being very careful. However, is there somewhere uk based I could order a proper tool to failsafe the process as I would rather pay out for a tool I might only use a couple of times than risk wrecking a £300+ cpu.

The delid-die-mate 2 is launched at the end of this month and will be available from OCUK for £26.99.

You can pre-order now.
Unless you're running some cost saving exercise, too much liquid metal is much better than too little. Using more than you need won't impede performance. Too much TIM from a performance perspective is a misconception, as it is pumped out with the mounting pressure of the cooler anyway.

Totally agree.
If the temps are too high when using more tim than the reason for that is not enough pressure from the heat sink in most cases.
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