As title says. After 20 mins of FEAR my gpu gets toasty.. is 82c something to worry about? I'm using a Zalman VF700-AlCu cooler on silent mode. Usually runs at ~42c idle. I'm just wondering if i need to screw the heatsink down some more - when I was fitting it there's no mention in the manual about how much you need to tighten screws, I just stopped when i thought it was ON!
I've done the 'detect optimal' setting in coolbits/forceware (486/1170), but since oc'd my CPU from stock, now running detect optimal again shows lower speeds. Maybe this is due to my cpu oc? I know the warning message is only displayed at 115c though, so it sounds safe, although a crazy kind of safe
I've done the 'detect optimal' setting in coolbits/forceware (486/1170), but since oc'd my CPU from stock, now running detect optimal again shows lower speeds. Maybe this is due to my cpu oc? I know the warning message is only displayed at 115c though, so it sounds safe, although a crazy kind of safe