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7800GS - So Whos Getting One?

afraser2k, read my post, ati x800/x850 cant compare to any 6000/7000 series nvidia card even if they do play some games a few fps, cause their running 2.5year old extentions, inc dx9b and all that goes with it, you already have the ati card so thats fine but to actually buy a new X800/850 today if you like new games is madness.

You run xpsp2 ?, i assume you know it came with dx9c back in aug 2004, would you like to run a gpu thats got dx9c with p.s 3.0 / s.m 3.0 and HDR ?, if so get the nvidia 6000/7000 series, or wait till your going to jump to pci-e as your card is ok for games as far as playability is going but not new effects.
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I was considering getting one, but I don't think I'd see the benefit coming from a X800 XT PE.

Would like to see some benchmarks of the 7800GS vs some Ati cards, that would be good.
ajgoodfellow said:
@Tute - out of interest what card did you have before? If it's like 6800nu/6800GT level then I'd be interested to see what performance benefit you get (my card is somewhere between the two in terms of performance)

I used to have an X800XT PE, however one day playing games it decided to go weird. It got worse, and now it won't get as far as Windows before it BSOD's me.

Not sure i'll be able to bench it, for that reason, but when it arrives tomorrow i'll let you know how I feel about it's performance compared to my old card. I'm pretty optimistic tbh :D
BTW There is review showing the XFX overclocked 7800GS agp totally beating the BFG overlocked 6800 Ultra, I wont post links but its on bjorn + 3d site (you should know it if you know hardware). :cool:
I'm either gonna hold out till ATI release an AGP version of their 1900 or wait and get PCI-E myseflf :)

Having looked at a review on neoseekers, the card seems to be decent enough to upgrade if you're on something like me, 9800xt :p
afraser2k said:
How do these compare against the ATI products like the x850 series? I currently own the x800xl and I might upgrade to the 7800 GS as my last card before Vista comes out. I'm wanting to run games at 1280x1024 and they're a little sluggish on the x800xl.

X800XL = 6800GT
X850XT = 6800Ultra
7800GS = "It keeps up with the GeForce 6800 GT and even (not produced anymore) Ultra in most test." from http://www.guru3d.com

& "the X850 XTPE is generally faster than the new NVIDIA part" from http://www.anandtech.com

The 7800GS doesnt look that appealing really.

I would recommend changing to PCIE & then get a graphics card.
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X800XL = 6800GT
X850XT = 6800Ultra
7800GS = "It keeps up with the GeForce 6800 GT and even (not produced anymore) Ultra in most test." from http://www.guru3d.com

& "the X850 XTPE is generally faster than the new NVIDIA part" from http://www.anandtech.com

The 7800GS doesnt look that appealing really.

I would recommend changing to PCIE & then get a graphics card.

Thanks for the information. :)
Sorry guys but i really don't think its worth the money. More expensive than a budget pci-e 7800gt and less performance. I think people would be better off getting a pci-e motherboard and a cheap 7800gt. You can get the pixelview one for £185 now if you look around. All the GS is, is a heavily crippled GT with a bridge. Some reviews even suggest they are chips that failed to make the grade for the GT/GTX's. If you have a high end 6800 or a high end ati card it's just not worth it.
X800XL = 6800GT
X850XT = 6800Ultra
7800GS = "It keeps up with the GeForce 6800 GT and even (not produced anymore) Ultra in most test." from http://www.guru3d.com

& "the X850 XTPE is generally faster than the new NVIDIA part" from http://www.anandtech.com

The 7800GS doesnt look that appealing really.

I would recommend changing to PCIE & then get a graphics card.

Hmm thats not even compairable, we aint talking FPS only as ati running older features funny they run far faster cores and older features but only win by a few FPS in some benches.

X800XL/X850XT/X850XTPE = dx9b / p.s 2.0 and all other features that are 2.5+years old

All nvidia 6000/7000's = dx9b p.s 3.0 / s.m 3.0 and HDR, and purevideo hardware de/encoding.
Humey said:
Hmm thats not even compairable, we aint talking FPS only as ati running older features funny they run far faster cores and older features but only win by a few FPS in some benches.

X800XL/X850XT/X850XTPE = dx9b / p.s 2.0 and all other features that are 2.5+years old

All nvidia 6000/7000's = dx9b p.s 3.0 / s.m 3.0 and HDR, and purevideo hardware de/encoding.

It is comparable as far as i am concerned & most other people, obviously the people at anandtech, guru3d etc seem to think it is. They are running the same games & the image quality on most games is the same. Very few games show differences. So FPS does count. And sadly the 7800GS doesnt really seem to cut it.
It's not really much more than a remixed 6800u... 375/1200/16pipes is nothing to write home about particularly, be interesting to see it go up against an x850 XT-PE.
HangTime said:
It's not really much more than a remixed 6800u... 375/1200/16pipes is nothing to write home about particularly, be interesting to see it go up against an x850 XT-PE.

It loses marginally, although that was the BFG one @ 450/1250 (i think)
ajgoodfellow said:

Right sir. It's here, it's in the case, the drivers are installed, and i've started playing.

First thing I notice in Painkiller and Quake 4 - the frame rates are smooth. By that, I mean my X800XT had a frame rate range of 10-70. The 7800GS has a range of more like 30-60. Not as fast, but the card never gets really slow (got FRAPS running).

IQ, as far as I can see, is pretty close to the X800XT PE. Looks good at 1280x1024 on High/Ultra settings, 4xAA/4xAF.

Just gonna give it some more games to really test the card, but before that i'm going to clock it and see what max core/mem I get.

The biggest difference between this and my old card is the noise. Towards the end of it's life, my X800 started sounding like a hoover. I just thought this was normal and carried on. But the 7800GS is whisper quiet. I can barely hear it spin up at POST, let alone idling. And it makes no more noise under load.

Initial impressions are VERY GOOD. Worth every penny. :)

[I'll post back later with clock results and some screenies.]
I've been reading the threads about the 7800GS over the last hour or so, and honestly, some of you guys need to just calm down!!

Nobody's holding a gun to your head to make you buy a 7800GS, and yes, a 850XT PE might be faster, but where can you buy one of those new and with a warranty for £200 or so?

As far as I can see, Nvidia have delivered exactly what they said they would which is a last hurrah AGP card which wouldn't be as fast as a 7800GT, but would be faster than a 6800GS and for not too much cash? Where's the problem?

It's obvious to all but the blind that you can get a PCI E 7800GT and a new Motherboard for about the same price as an AGP 7800GS, but that's only an option if you own a compatible AMD processor and have a suitable case etc.

For P4 users such as myself, and as I've said on another thread, upgrading my system to PCI E would cost me much much more than £200 as I would need a new Processor, a Case (Mines MATX and modded, which I appreciate won't be the same for everybody), a Decent AMD Heatsink (One which I'd like to look at!), plus the PCI E graphics card itself of course. All this last time I looked totalled £700 or so for comparable components to my AGP setup.

I also appreciate that the upgrade option would mean I had a more future proof system, but for approx £200 I can get a decent AGP graphics card that will do me for a year or so. I might even be able to sell my 6800LE (which wouldn't unlock or OC by the way!) to recoup some of the outlay. Also, I won't have to much about re-installing my OS and the other associated hassles that usually go with MOBO upgrades.

I, and many others, don't particularly want to throw away perfectly good and stable components just to get the very latest graphics card in there, so this card hits the spot I think. So, to get on topic, I will be buying one!

For all the people who want the bleeding edge in graphics performance, then I'm afraid you'll need to upgrade to PCI E, that much is obvious. For you guys, there's nothing to see here, move along please....

For people who want a decent bang per buck, then you've just found your card IMHO, and we should congratulate Nvidia and OCUK for making it happen!

Just because it's not the fastest thing since the Millenium Falcon doesn't make it a carp card!!

Now, stop arguing and putting it dwown, and either buy one or don't!!!

I thankyou. ;o)
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