XFX 7800GT EE (450/1050) auto-detects max @ 460/1070
Leadtek 7800GT (400/1000) auto-detects max @ 490/1190
I bought the "DangerDen Maze4 LowProfile GPU SLI KIT (1/2")", and then vmodded the cards to try and boost them up a bit and get the XFX ram to match the Leadtek.
Leadtek vmods:
XFX vmods:
then added the waterblocks (top = Leadtek, bottom = XFX):
(since taking that pic I've sorted the bendy bottom card and mopped up the puddle)
I took off the backplate that was part of the Leadtek's stock cooler and put it on the XFX to help with the memory cooling (it gets quite warm so it must be working). I also ended up taking most of the ramsinks off the top card (Leadtek) as the ram on that clocks quite well anyway.
After spilling water all over the cards and having a scare when I didn't get any video on bootup

, it's working fine now.
XFX: gpu @ 1.65v, ram @ 2.3v
Leadtek: gpu @ 1.6v, ram @ 2.2v
with this I was able to pass 3DMark2006 @ 550/1200 artifact free, and play various games for hours with no problems. I'm quite happy with that, as I expected a much lower ram clock due to the XFX being so crap in the clocking department.