7900GTX + Silverprop Fusion HL

13 Apr 2004
It looks like the 6800 mounting clips for this waterblock will fit on this card, but can someone just confirm this with me? Also, are the RAM chips still cool enough to run without the heatsinks?

I believe the mounting holes for the 7800 are the same as the 6800, so the block should fit perfectly fine, only full card blocks are in need of modification due to the PCB layout.

And RAM chips should be fine without sinks.
i'd put ramsinks on just to be on the safe side.

loop order could be
pump -> rad -> cpu -> gpu -> res

this would be better i think, but only by a few degrees.

D-d-double post.
It seems to be working now. I just turned the pump off for a bit and watched the rest of Soccer Aid. Then I had one more turn before I threw it all away, and it all just flowed.


Yeah, it's fine now. Should I be worried about the earlier flow problems?
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I'd always have the CPU in after the rad OUT, that way you are sure the coolest water is getting to the CPU - plus its usually a better layout if you mount that rad in the roof of the case.

-edit, most GFX GDDR3 ram chips will be fine on substantial overclocks without the heatsinks. mine are still waiting to be stuck, and tbh Im not missing them
This is how I'm ordered now. It just happened to be the easiest way for me to route the hose.

Pump > CPU > GFX > Rad > Res

I tried bleeding it properly. It has been on since daylight and I've been giving it a few shakes and tilts to move some air. I'll take a picture for you guys for one of those threads.
leave the res cap off, and let it run.

I also gave the tubing a bit of a squeeze where pockets were occouring to get them to flow rounf the loop and out of the res

sorry for typing, but a few vodkas down, nice result in the soccer aid btw, I enjoyed it a lot
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