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7900XT Owners, a favour please?

10 Nov 2005
Hi everyone, I didn't realise for the sake of £240 extra over buying a 6800XT, that I could get a 7900XT! Can someone do me a favour, can you do me a locked 60fps @ 1080p run on any of the following cyberpunk/TLOU/Dead Space Remake/Resi4 Remake and let me know what power draw it gets stock and undervolted?
As I notice the TDP is slightly lower by 12 or 22w vs a 6800XT and I'm hoping the 7900XT will play nice just the same, as on a 6800XT framecapped at 1080p 60 Cyberpunk was around 117w and TLOU 127W IIRC when I asked someone to do the same test undervolted...
I'm only after framecapping single player games at 60fps 1080p and then will run higher for MP, this build is mainly about literal bang per watt power consumption as we pay a disgusting 46p/kwh.

So if it can roughly match what I've already been shown a 6800XT can do when undervolted in terms of wattage then I'll definitely go for the 7900XT :)

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Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
Hi everyone, I didn't realise for the sake of £240 extra over a 6800XT, that I could get a 7900XT! Can someone do me a favour, can you do me a locked 60fps @ 1080p run on any of the following cyberpunk/TLOU/Dead Space Remake/Resi4 Remake and let me know what power draw it gets stock and undervolted?

If you look at TPU's review of the 7900 XT, they tell you what the vsync power consumption is @ stock.
10 Nov 2005
If you look at TPU's review of the 7900 XT, they tell you what the vsync power consumption is @ stock.
WOAH! I was NOT expecting that!!! Will that be 1080p ultra? As it doesn't state the res/settings used?

I'm basically sold now then, thanks mate!!! Might not even need to bother undervolting it then, I mean I probs still will, but wow. Thank you buddy!
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Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
WOAH! I was NOT expecting that!!! Will that be 1080p ultra? As it doesn't state the res/settings used?

Probably 1080p Ultra, yes.

Gaming: Cyberpunk 2077 is running at 3840x2160 with Ultra settings and ray tracing disabled. Textures are set to "low", to ensure that cards with 4 GB and 6 GB aren't handicapped due to their VRAM size. We ensure the card is heated up properly, which ensures a steady-state result instead of short-term numbers that won't hold up in long-term usage.


V-Sync: If you don't need the highest framerate and want to conserve power, running at 60 FPS is a good option. In this test, we run Cyberpunk 2077 at 1920x1080, capped to 60 FPS. This test is also useful in testing a graphic card's ability to react to situations with only low power requirements. For graphics cards that can't reach 60 FPS at 1080p, we report the power draw at the highest achievable frame rate.
10 Nov 2005
Probably 1080p Ultra, yes.

V-Sync: If you don't need the highest framerate and want to conserve power, running at 60 FPS is a good option. In this test, we run Cyberpunk 2077 at 1920x1080, capped to 60 FPS. This test is also useful in testing a graphic card's ability to react to situations with only low power requirements. For graphics cards that can't reach 60 FPS at 1080p, we report the power draw at the highest achievable frame rate.

Amazing, cheers for this mate. I did try have a look but it's never outlined on the page with the graphs and the sections before tend to focus on just the highest possible res/settings!

Thank you so much for this! That's sold me, it's insane it's that low of a draw! A 6800XT only does that when undervolted and is around 10-20w higher depending on the game.
That's got me thinking it might even crack 90w undervolted then at a locked 1080p 60fps! As that's all I want for SP games, and MP wise I probs will just play cs:go/2 1080p 144fps/hz but I tend to mainly do MP these days.

That's definitely sold me now vs buying a 6800xt!
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27 Jan 2009
United Kingdom
Gaming: Cyberpunk 2077 is running at 3840x2160 with Ultra settings and ray tracing disabled. Textures are set to "low", to ensure that cards with 4 GB and 6 GB aren't handicapped due to their VRAM size. We ensure the card is heated up properly, which ensures a steady-state result instead of short-term numbers that won't hold up in long-term usage.

I don't get that, surely if VRAM hinders a card that should be reviewed. Textures are often the last thing people want to turn to low, if anything that just handicaps those with more VRAM by giving cards with poor VRAM an unfair advantage.
22 Nov 2018
I don't get that, surely if VRAM hinders a card that should be reviewed. Textures are often the last thing people want to turn to low, if anything that just handicaps those with more VRAM by giving cards with poor VRAM an unfair advantage.

I believe it's only for the Power Consumption test. An old 4Gb/6Gb card will get hammered because the GPU will struggle like crazy to reach 60FPS so power consumption will be high.

If you send a bigger texture to a 4Gb card then surely the vram bottleneck will stop the GPU reaching 100% so it might use less power which would give it an advantage?

So I understand why they did it the way they did.
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13 Sep 2010
Impressive for gaming, but have to say I find the multi monitor/video playback results a bit off-putting, as I spend a lot more time doing those things than I do gaming. I know it's been highlighted as an issue elsewhere, but would be good to know to what extent (if at all) it's improved with subsequent drivers...
14 Aug 2009
WOAH! I was NOT expecting that!!! Will that be 1080p ultra? As it doesn't state the res/settings used?

I'm basically sold now then, thanks mate!!! Might not even need to bother undervolting it then, I mean I probs still will, but wow. Thank you buddy!
Keep in mind that more demanding games will push the power consumption more towards the card's TDP/regular power requirements (sooner or later). For instance, in CB2077 it can't even reach 60fps at 1080p RT. Ergo, you can end up with 300W+ or whatever each card is designed to work at full blast.

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30 Dec 2021
so based on the two graphs the 3090 is better???? all be it was a 4w power difference am i readying that info right?
because im in the prosses of selling my 3090 and was planning to buy a 7900xt or xtx

mmmmm, i may have a little rethink on that one
20 May 2007
so based on the two graphs the 3090 is better???? all be it was a 4w power difference am i readying that info right?
because im in the prosses of selling my 3090 and was planning to buy a 7900xt or xtx

mmmmm, i may have a little rethink on that one

Selling a 3090 for a 7900XT isnt worth it surely?

AMD does particularly bad in Cyberpunk with RT. The 7900XT is about equal in RT to a 3090 overallthough according to this - https://www.techpowerup.com/review/sapphire-radeon-rx-7900-xt-pulse/33.html

Still, its only about 15% better in raster so if it was me i really wouldn't bother (nor even with an XTX) and just wait till next gen.
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