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7970 vs 680 thread.

LOL You know if this was a real war there would be someone knocked out by a old IDE PATA HDD, I would have pieace of ram stuck in my head, pieaces of shrapnel from motherboards and chips flying around while everyones fighting with there best loved video cards.
However as it stands am i bit miffed of the 680.... i thought i was gonna be but no because actually i think nvidia kinda tryed a dirty tactic witch showed me they were worried.
already has a boost feature so even without the over clocks of the 680 its still overclocking it's self when needed So it never be a fare reading against the AMD 7970.
Plus they had to just clock the cores memory just enought to out beat the AMD 7970.
And if that wasnt laughable they knocked the price at just a small % under the 7970.

Im sorry but if you guy's beleave this gonna be the low end entery card not middle end then nvidia arnt gona have a great deal of buyer's with UK starting price at over £400...

I love my AMD 7970 its the only card i spent that much on in my life i spent my years going on medium end cards £200, Now i can see why people pay there money i no longer get stutter in dues ex, I feel like im running not walking in bf3 now compared to my gtx 560 sli no matter what game i go on weather frame rate goes up or down by fraps i still feel constant smoothness speed To me gentleman if you get smoothness and and feels fast too you having fun who gives a dam about numbers.

I do however find a lot of these sites biest or a little miss leading as i have done my own tests got differnt results to them on the internet with the charts.
also ive loked at 5 sites with there charts not one was the same infact some were wayy off base.

Im gonna scurry off stop moaning now sorry guy's what do i know i started with spectrum.

Oh and im a thug too ;) i love you guy's
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nvidia arnt gona have a great deal of buyer's with UK starting price at over £400...

I understood next to nothing in your post, it was worded beyond poorly, but this bit is so inaccurate that it stood out.

GTX 680s are selling out fast everywhere, OCUK reported 1 sale per minute.

How is that 'not a great deal of buyers?'

Far many more people are choosing to buy a GTX 680 instead of a 7970 after actually taking their time to research and read the reviews.
I think the term clock for clock was misinterpreted.

Surely any comparison should be between:-

Default clock and default clock?

Max OC and Max OC?

Clock for clock was raised because people were saying that not all 7970s could reach X mhz. So as soon as the overclocked benchmarks came in the suggestion that all 7970s are not the same (and so on) started to come about.

So a clock for clock set of benchmarks were posted, as well as max OC vs max OC (OC3D).

Hahahaha, Vram, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ......

You were lied to and you believe porkies.


(<---- 1 Gb Vram, running Skyrim with the unofficial 2K HD texture pack from Nexus plus max settings, 4x AA and 16x AF, recommended Vram 1.2 - 2 Gb, runs 100% smooth, lag and stutter free while my GTX 560 tis sit on maximum Vram load).


More five year old scribblings.
Overclockers, not overclocking since GTX680 release. :p

Well yes it would seem so.

It's funny really. For so many years we have celebrated the death of Hitler and idealism, but deep down so many people would still have things their way all the time if given the option.

Megalomania reigns supreme it seems.

Either that or we live in a world full of narcissists.
i cant understand all the fuss over the 680's clock boost feature,people calling it cheating because it "overclocks" itself.acording to wikipedia overclocking is "the process of making a computer or component operate faster than specified by the manufacturer by modifying system parameters."at no point does the 680 do this it just raises or lowers the clockspeeds whist staying within the manufacturers specs.the whole argument that it is cheating is bogus considering t never OVERclocks anything
i cant understand all the fuss over the 680's clock boost feature,people calling it cheating because it "overclocks" itself.acording to wikipedia overclocking is "the process of making a computer or component operate faster than specified by the manufacturer by modifying system parameters."at no point does the 680 do this it just raises or lowers the clockspeeds whist staying within the manufacturers specs.the whole argument that it is cheating is bogus considering t never OVERclocks anything

I think you have missed the point.

No one is complaining that it dynamically overclocks itself. No one.

What we have brought up is that it dynamically overclocks itself

Which means that compared to a card that doesn't the results are obviously going to be off.

It's not rocket science to understand. Basically people are saying yes, it's perfectly OK and fine to compare a card that overclocks itself to one that doesn't.

And it's when you overclock the 7970 that the tables turn.
Oh great, now Andy is back ... yay for more entertainment I suppose.

No one is complaining that it dynamically overclocks itself. No one.

What a hypocrite, oh yes you most definitely are complaining about this and referring to it as cheating constantly.
Nobody here will disagree that the 680 is selling faster than the 7970 did.

That's not what we are talking about Greg. So it's kind of irrelevant.

Apple Iphones sell like hot cakes. It doesn't mean they are better than their Android counterparts.
That's not what we are talking about Greg. So it's kind of irrelevant.

Apple Iphones sell like hot cakes. It doesn't mean they are better than their Android counterparts.

But the GTX 680 is better than the 7970, and thats the reason why its selling so much.
Do You know what guys !

Unless someone actually owns both a 7970 and 680 they should not post as they can only argue over 3rd party data....simple, yes ?
Oh great, now Andy is back ... yay for more entertainment I suppose.

What a hypocrite, oh yes you most definitely are complaining about this and referring to it as cheating constantly.

I've never met any one so awfully poor at discussion as you. Ever.

And I have been using internet forums since 1996.

You make no valid points, and all of the ones you attempt to make are just rubbish.

As for entertainment? well it's kind of one sided and unfair really. You pop up talking a load of rubbish and acting like a five year old and then the game just becomes too easy.

Any credibility you may have had was lost many pages ago.
Do You know what guys !

Unless someone actually owns both a 7970 and 680 they should not post as they can only argue over 3rd party data....simple, yes ?

They already have. So has some one who has a 7950. And he said he was quite disturbed that the 7950 was faster in AVP.
i think you never read my post the 680 does not OVERclock it self,by definition it does not raise the clock speeds OVER manufacurers specs
Out of the box gtx680 wins everytime doesnt matter that it boost's or not its out the box and when both are overclocked they are about even.And not evey1 overclocks
ALXandy,can you tell me if this statement from wikipedia is incorrect

Overclocking is the process of making a computer or component operate faster than specified by the manufacturer by modifying system parameters.

if that statement is correct can you explain exactly when/where the 680 is overclocking itself based on the definition of overclocking
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