8 Pack - Please help before I smash it up

OK so got home with just under 12 hours of prime and no errors. Gonna test RAM tonight. Guys what settings should I be using in bios for a 4.4 over clock?
First (IMO), reset the bios. It can cause issues after a crash sometimes.

2nd, manually set the memory voltage. I had issues with vengeance when it was set on auto and going over the specced voltage.
Are all your cores running that hot? i had trouble with a core running hot, found it was a tiny strand from the cotton bud i used to spread my thermal paste on with. After i removed that it cooled down a lot. Some Cpus require a lot of power, mine takes 1.395 for 4.6, 1.34 for 4.5 and 1.295 for 4.4 all roughly.

I would follow 8 packs advice first though and check ya ram out.
try not to set a manual voltage

When i was overclocking my 3770k i would get 85c load when setting a 1.275V for 4.6Ghz

I changed that to an offset way of voltage setting to still get 1.275 and now i don't get above 70c
I would use a manual voltage until you find your max stable, then try and use an offset if ya can do it without losing stability, i have to go loose 100 mhz to gain stability with the same voltage using offset.
Well my plan is to find the stable min voltage using manual mode then switch to offset and try mate the load voltage.

All cores get hot but from the coolest to the warmest is aprox 10c difference.

Still not managed to test my ram yet. I'm gonna download memtest now and put it on USB drive and give that a whirl.

I followed this guide http://www.overclock.net/t/1291703/ivy-bridge-overclocking-guide-asus-motherboards and used all the same settings he recommended apart from my vcore being different. Should I be using the same settings he recommends?
Test the memory first. It does not matter what settings if the memory is faulty!!! Use XMP profile and test each stick in turn.
I ran memtest and the ram passed with no errors on 2 passes. I will test individually if you think that's needed? How many passes should I be doing and should I change any settings in the program?

I have again cleared my CMOS and set XMP for RAM... Changed turbo multi to 45 and left everything else as set by bios (auto). CPU Voltage now sky high 1.416v with vdroop..Running OCCT small data set with no errors as of yet.

Redone paste on CPU die and then super glued the lid back on. Using MX4 as I cant afford anything better. Max temp 87c with fans set on minimum.

I'll go back and test my RAM further if you recommend... Just hate spending hours not being able to use my PC with running diagnostics but I'm willing to get it sorted once and for all.
So I dropped my BIOS back from 1805 to 1708 to try see if it's a BIOS issue. Currently tested 1.25v 4.3Ghz stable (1 hour testing of each OCCT Small/Large and Linpack with AVX) with no errors or BSOD. Switch to 44 Multi and BAM!!! BSOD on windows 8 log in screen. Rebooted and checked the error which turned out to be '9c'.. Can you help with this or is this pointing back to my RAM?
If your memory is still set to stock XMP profile my best guess would be VCCIO. This could affect both, cpu overclock as well as memory.
4 passes on each module on furthest slot away from CPU with no errors. Now testing again with both modules in for 4 passes.

Can you give me some guidance to overclocking for my board now? Would like 4.5 in ideal world but not holding my breath.
Overclock the CPU with the memory at 1600mhz which is the spec of the IMC 9-9-9-25 2T.

Set LLC to one below highest. Then set Vcore 1.3v, VCCSA 1.10, PLL 1.9. Disable the Cstates but keep EIST on. Disable turbo. Try multii of 45. DIsable CPU spread spectrum.

See how this goes and report back. keep an eye on temps as yours seem high. It may be worth remounting the Cooler.
Right I set the above but got instant crash on windows log in screen BSOD '1E'. Upped the vcore to 1.35 and now testing with OCCT.. Error detected on core 3 after 2min 4 seconds.

What should I do? keep upping the vcore or am I best sticking to 4.3ghz with 1.25v? what's the performance difference?
I think I am gonna try RMA the chip but I don't know what grounds on?? My board must be ok because the system is completely stable at stock. The ram is fine as I tested that all night.

Any idea on how to get my supplier to change the chip?
I think I am gonna try RMA the chip but I don't know what grounds on?? My board must be ok because the system is completely stable at stock. The ram is fine as I tested that all night.

Any idea on how to get my supplier to change the chip?

I dont think you can as you've delidded and warranty has gone now...?
I don't think anyone would buy it if it doesn't overclock past 4.3 without silly volts. Gutted as I was expecting at least 4.5 but I'm not doing that at 1.38v :(
They may well buy it just for the cold operation. Not everyone atually cares about overclocking.
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