8 Year old shredder.

I thought this thread would contain two things, a shredder yor from the teenage mutant turtles thats 8 years old, or an 8 year old shredding machine.
Im dissapointed on both accountws.
Chronos-X said:
Pettruci is one of the worst offenders in the genre of "anal musicianship" tbh :(

Haha I guess, depends on which album you go for. I'm not a huge DT fan in terms of die-hard loving all of their albums, but the Metropolis album stands out to me with some excellent guitar work by Petrucci, especially on the live one. He plays a guitar solo at the introduction to "Through Her Eyes" that involves a fair bit of shredding, but some good emotional stuff to.

For the record, my favourite guitar player is David Gilmour :)
Al Vallario said:
Came into this thread wondering what was so interesting about ageing office products :(

Firstly I thought it would be that, then I thought maybe it would be this.......

That guy isn't 8, he's actually around 12 as this is kind of a 'yawn' video around the guitar community lol Still it's very impressive for such a young age.

Anyone can learn to play something though, especially fast like Racer X stuff, you could teach a monkey to play fast. If he concentrates on theory, improvisation and developing a wider area of expression then he could be one hell of a guitar player.
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