8085 Assembly Language

18 Feb 2003
Don't suppose theres anyone that can figure out why this code wont assemble is there...its got me!

Problem code -
Decrypt:  CALL    189C
          PUSH    PSW   ; copy stack pointer to A reg and increment stack pointer by 2
          MOV     A, C
          ANI     3C    ; AND the imediate data
          RLC           ; shift bits left
          DCR     A     ; subtract 1 from the value in the A register
          MOV     D, A
          POP     PSW
          XRA     D     ; reset the D register to zero
          XRA     C     ; reset the C register to zero
          POP     DE    ; 
          MOV     M, A
          INX     H
          INR     D,    ; add 1 to the D register
          JNZ     183D

Error Message -
        182B    CD001A   DECRYPT:  CALL  189C                                  
      RC = 4: Invalid decimal number
Not sure about 8085 asm....
Sure there's not a problem with your subroutine 189C ? Sorry not much help.
You should try step through it line by line since that error message seems pretty poor :)
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well it could be, but i don't know why that'd be it...its a valid memory location as far as my documentation shows...

and i can't step through the assembler step by step - only the simulator...and i can't use that until my new source is assembled. :(
|Show| said:
        182B    CD001A   DECRYPT:  CALL  189C                                  
      RC = 4: Invalid decimal number
Says it all - it is expecting a decimal integer, of which 189C is not, it is hex.

Have a look at how to encode a hex number in there (its been 26 years since I did any 8080/Z80 code) - it may be a leading ampersand, or an ampersand and a h (e.g. &189C or &h189c)
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