80gig Maxtor problem???

27 May 2006
Teesside UK

After updating my second HD from my master HD with true image, (ie, I cloned my master drive onto my slave drive as a backup incase my master drive crashes, as this saves me time and I dont need to reinstall everything again.)

But for some reason now my master drive will not boot up sometimes and it either says that there are missing files or it just freezers on loadup screen :(

I dont think it is anything to do with the cloning as my slave drive is now been used as my master which is also a maxtor 80gig and it is working fine :)

I have tried re-formatting my problem drive and cloning the good drive on it again, but I still get this random fault :confused:

Would you say that it is the drive its self that is causing the fault? or is it a software fault?

any help would be great. ;)
There's a link in the Sticky for Maxtor's download page, go there and grab their drive diagnostic software and give the problem drive the once over with it. That should tell you if there's an issue with the hardware.
Hi Again,

I have ran the maxtor software and it said that all was ok, however when I tried to run the drive again it came up with the same fault, I have once again formatted the drive and cloned the other drive that is working ok back on it and when I check it, all the data is on it.

But once again when I set it as a master drive I get the same error :confused:

so it must be the HD? as it will work ok as a slave but not a master, or is there somthing esle that I can try? ( I have even tried a different lead)
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