26 Jan 2005
Surely everyone's heard of 82ASK by now, but if not, they're a question answering service. Text them on 82275 with any question you like, and they'll answer it for 1 pound. If they can't answer, you don't pay.

So anway, the reason for this thread is that they phoned me up today to offer me a job answering questions for them. I sent of a speculative CV a few months back not really expecting anything to come of it, so I was surprised to say the least. It sounds like it might be fun. I'll let you know how it goes.
It's £0.30 per question answered. I'm told that starting out you're not likely to earn more than £6 per hour, but the average is more like £10-12 for an experienced answerer, and the very best earn around £18. I'm not really doing it for the money though - although I won't deny that it will come in handy!
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