8GB vs 16GB - Really?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
So, I've been stubborn and stuck with 8GB for a while now. But last night, I played GTAV and got a memory warning, stating I was using all of it blah blah, thanks MS.

My recent upgrade to a 980ti is the main reason I feel. I'm using max AA settings in all titles, all textures etc are maxed. As a result, a lot of the AAA titles I'm playing are using 6GB-7GB of my physical memory!!!! Leaving poor little Win 7 with only a gig.

So, do those with 16GB see healthy usage? Or is it maxed out like I'm experiencing at the moment?

It's £45 for another 8GB which is pennies, so I see no reason not to if it will help in any way at all.
Ummm, aside from GTA complaining about memory restriction, not really... Hence I'm thinking it might not be worth.
I have 16Gb, only got the additional 8 as I was running a few VMs at the time. GTA V wise that sounds like an efficient use of system RAM rather than a problem tbh.

Not convinced you'll see any benefit of upgrading.
Games like GTA V make ample use of available resources, the more they have access to the better for it. Given how cheap RAM is, you can never have too much RAM and it's one thing that's always nice to have lots of. It will only become more apparent as newer games come out too that are similarly optimised as well as GTA V.

The last thing you want is for the RAM consumption to get to a point where Windows needs to start expanding the page file.
Yea, that's a good way of looking at it mrk, future proofing. Games are now cleverly using what's available. Who knows what potentials lie ahead in 12 months.

Done, I'll order another 8GB.
I'm still on 6gb and not had a problem yet .... gta v and witcher 3 are only demanding titles I haven't tried , crysis 3 runs maxed out though :D
Saying "you can never have enough" is really very silly. Of course you can have enough. If you aren't seeing performance issues, you have enough. Any more is more than enough.

It's not like you can't wait, and order some RAM when you actually need it, so why the rush :p? You may miss out on an awesome deal that comes up when you need it, just because you decided to buy more than you needed at the time.
Saying "you can never have enough" is really very silly. Of course you can have enough. If you aren't seeing performance issues, you have enough. Any more is more than enough.

It's not like you can't wait, and order some RAM when you actually need it, so why the rush :p? You may miss out on an awesome deal that comes up when you need it, just because you decided to buy more than you needed at the time.

There are times when it is actually utilised though, like oh I dunno, GTA V :p

This thread wouldn't exist otherwise if 8GB was simply enough!

My point is this, it's cheap enough to not have to think twice about having 16GB. What miracle deal is to be looked forward to that £45 or less is simply too much for RAM? People spend more than that pre-ordering games!
Does it get utilised though? If there aren't any adverse affects then surely adding more is pointless?
Well it stops Windows complaining and stops it paging to disk, whether you notice this or not depends on other component factors like HDD vs SSD paging.

Still my point stands, it's so cheap you have to ask "why not" rather than "why".
8gb still and still gaming fine. No need for 16gb yet and dont see the need for it for some time to come. If anything games will want more vram more than ram. Im on a 2gb card still a 670 and still no issues well ok if i had more vram i could have better shadows with no fps issues in gta 5 but i make do with shadows on normal i mean i can use high shadows but a few odd times i get stutter cos of it i go slighlty over vram usage it says at the top in the gfx options screen. Drop to normal im within limits and no fps drops. But high can be used just i kinda dont like the slight judder u get from it in certain situations which is rare but there.
Never regretted getting 16GB myself - I usually have 4GB used by a VM and an extra 1GB allocated to rapidcache though and used to multibox eve online though not any more.
This conversation has been going on within the MLG website and the consensus is 16GB is now the new 8GB.

I was regularly running out of RAM playing BF3/BF4 so added another 8GB and I've had no such issues since.
Dunno, Ive had 16gb for the last 4 years, but only because it was a good deal at the time. £45 isnt bad since the memory prices skyrocketed a while back.
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