Haha I'm sure MSI don't want to get laughed at with me at the helm, I'd manage to set something on fire even with ln2 lol.
That's good to hear, wasn't shimano leaving Asus at one point? Great news for Asus.
The MSI z97 oc boards are incredible, moved it up to a whole other level from their x79 efforts. Even makes my previous z87x-oc look quite mediocre in comparison.
Don't fancy doing an MSI z97 oc guide when you get chance do you? The sheer amount of tweaking options is quite overwhelming, especially for memory!
He left ASUS for 6 Months but is back now.
MSI have come along way in the last few years for sure. Z97 still needs work but is proving to be a good stable platform by them. Especially M Power Max.
I really dont have time to produce full guide but I can answer questions as and when they come up. I am going to try several different IC on the board on my return to UK as and when I get chance. My Samsungs still have more in them on MSI for sure.