9 Year NCD cap?

Ignore the above advice. I have had this problem before and needed to prove that I had more than 9 years or face a hefty increase in price. My problem was because of a insurer only stated I had 9 years instead of 14 years and my new insurer, Aviva if I remember right, wanted proof or they would increase the premium quite considerably. It was a nightmare to sort out as I had to go back several years to previous insurers some of which at first weren't keen to provide the letter I needed but prsistaance paid off in the end. I had to go back six or seven years to get a NCB confirmation letter then pass it on to the next insurer who would then give me one from when I left them and pass that on to the next and so on. It took me several days and a load of phone calls and emails to get my no claims back to where it should be and satisfy Aviva and it was a lot of hassle. I am now sitting on 20 years NCB and almost had to do it all again as the insurer I left last year, Agea, only gave me 9 years and tried sticking with "it's our policy to only recognise 9 years" until I finally got hold of someone with some common sense who sent me a letter confirming what I actually had. So get onto that insurer and press for what he is owed. If they try to fob you off keep on at them.

Liverpool Victoria done this to.me,

This years renewal I switched companies but everyone I spoke to said they only recognise 9 years, despite me having proof from previous insurance of 13 years NCB.

I fell out with LV because when I joined them I had an at fault claim against me, half way through the year I had it confirmed that actually the claim had been deemed not my fault and as I never claimed for my car the insurance company took the view that no claim was ever made. I phoned LV and I got the most useless bunch of people I've ever spoke to and essentially refused to acknowledge this despite me having a letter from the previous insurance company and would not reduce the premium.

This year I switched and saved £400 I'll never use lv again
No, if you've protected NCD you don't lose anything with your 1st claim, you just won't get 1 year NCD for the year you claimed. 2nd claim with same insurer varies, usually 3 years gets subtracted from your total NCD.

Insurer usually provides a guide for this, also gives a comparison between protected NCD Vs unprotected when you make a claim. Protecting NCD costs so little, it's worth it for the peace of mind IMO.
What's no about what I said?
No, if you've protected NCD you don't lose anything with your 1st claim, you just won't get 1 year NCD for the year you claimed. 2nd claim with same insurer varies, usually 3 years gets subtracted from your total NCD.
yes - your NCD discount may remain, but if your premium has gone up subsequently because of your accident, it amounts to the same thing (as a ncd degradation) ?
and (as I suggested) afaik you cannot run legitimate quotes with and without that accident to see how much that accident really cost you.
What's no about what I said?
True, I misread your post.
yes - your NCD discount may remain, but if your premium has gone up subsequently because of your accident, it amounts to the same thing (as a ncd degradation) ?
and (as I suggested) afaik you cannot run legitimate quotes with and without that accident to see how much that accident really cost you.
It does still workout cheaper with NCD, even if you've a claim.
It does still workout cheaper with NCD, even if you've a claim.
this is the moot point does a recent accident take priority for subsequent premium calculation, over ncd.
I always chuck in ncd protection (which doesn't seem to be proportional to premium lol) at £30 , but that's >10% of my last premium, I never take legal or rental car.
I don't think I've had to provide proof of no claims for at least a decade. Surely they just check the insurance database and what not? I never get asked. During the quote it always says I might get asked, and then I don't get asked. Some of them cap the drop down box at 9 years from memory yes. That usually means the price is not going to change much after that anyway.
Of course protected no claims is a scam. If you took all the money you spend on that nonsense then you'll be able to swallow any increases anyway.

It cost me an extra £10.08 to add on protected so I'm like...why not. Are you telling me I could have had a pint and a half of beer at my local instead? Dang
Of course protected no claims is a scam. If you took all the money you spend on that nonsense then you'll be able to swallow any increases anyway.

Actually it's one of those that always seems worth paying for. Very small amount extra, but would save you significant discount if you ever need to claim. I can't recall the rates but think it costs you 2 or 3 years per claim. So would work out quite a bit more expensive over having them protected.
I've always found NCD protection to cost ~10% of the premium.

To the point, when getting one quote recently, they wouldn't tell me the premium cost until right at the end, obviously, but as soon as I heard the NCD protection cost I was able to roughly guestimate the premium cost and knew it was going to be way too expensive, so stopped the quote there. The agent on the other end of the call was surprised as I was really close, but they still couldn't give me the exact number until they went through their spiel. But they confirmed it was in the ball park, so I just went to the next insurer.
For most insurers once you get past 5 years or so each additional year is only worth 1% discount anyway. I did post a table from my insurer sonewhere
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