£900 build

I do understand it's not hard, but I've had issues with installing windows 10 on a system which was previously made by overclockers. Had to diagnose the pc my self, and it was some wifi dongle which was causing Windows 10 set up screen. Hence why I wanted them to install it so I just have to insert my key and that's it.
i did think about that, but the cheapest 24" 1080p monitor is £90, but it's a VA screen and i'm assuming, being that cheap that there'll be a lot of ghosting as per cheap VA screens.
the next cheapest TN 1080p screen is £110
and besides, the cerberus headset for £30 is a steal
which one is the TN pannel you speak of, I'd have to set if I could budget it.
@nJoyo wow £107, that's very dear indeed. they used to charge a lot less...
it doesn't cost £107 for what is, at best a 1h jobbie for an experienced builder :rolleyes: especially if they're not installing win10 for you
@nJoyo wow £107, that's very dear indeed. they used to charge a lot less...
it doesn't cost £107 for what is, at best a 1h jobbie for an experienced builder :rolleyes: especially if they're not installing win10 for you
Yeah I figured and apparently their excuse is the price has gone up because of some parts are good more expensive, to me which doesn't actually make any sense.
yeah no sense indeed, as you're already paying for the parts separately :confused:
sigh. wonder if @Gibbo would help?
I just re added everything into the basket and it appears most of the parts mentioned's price has just gone up today.. coincidentally. And that has made the price go up, however I've heard back from them just now, and been told the price is £77 for them to build the PC.
hmm... £77 is still very steep tbh. i wonder if you're better off just buying the parts on its own, then asking a friend who's done this before to help you along. then get a 6/12-pack and enjoy together afterwards as payment.
if it was a £2k machine, then £77 isn't that bad of a price. but £77 on a £700 computer is a bit much...
hmm... £77 is still very steep tbh. i wonder if you're better off just buying the parts on its own, then asking a friend who's done this before to help you along. then get a 6/12-pack and enjoy together afterwards as payment.
if it was a £2k machine, then £77 isn't that bad of a price. but £77 on a £700 computer is a bit much...
I didn't think overclockers.co.uk was trying to rip people off. I've been buying from them for years, and thought I would still receive the same type of customer service and price clearly not the case in this instance. I just feel £77 is abit of a rip off. Honestly speaking. Its better to buy a pre-built PC from elsewhere I feel.
best of the prebuilds within budget:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £912.96 (includes shipping: £23.10)​

you get free shipping don't you? so this works out at £890
best of the prebuilds within budget:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £912.96 (includes shipping: £23.10)

you get free shipping don't you? so this works out at £890
For this build I think I can get it from elsewhere. I don't feel like giving my money to overclockers after this experience tbh. Sorry.
Something else which I forgot to mention. I called in today for a quote, and had posted on forums for one yesterday, but delayed and responded today, and both of the quotation are different in price, and supposedly they've told me it's at a discounted price even though the price is higher than when asked for the quote via phone. I feel like they're just charging any price they feel necessary and do not actually have any form of guideline to follow to base the price off.
understandable sentiment, really, given the circumstances
Yeah feels like there is no point even explaining to them to be quite honest. Feels like it would be just a waste of time. Thanks for all your help though. I'm glad there's people like you on the forums that actually help newbies like myself :P just wish they would handle these kind issues appropriately.
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