
The 90's were terrible, the class system, trade unionists, neo nazis, unemployed, the prejudice, hate and general discontentedness was too much to bare. Angry working class types, which you could maybe sympathise with as they say the cons forgot about them and left them to rot. Still they could be very unwelcoming to say the least. Bring on the noughties, although my parents were cons, i welcome new labour to change Britian. Mind you i'm from scotland and they are generally a very moany people. Think i will move abroad soon.
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It's one of those songs that bring back a flood of memories though.

I'm listening to this being transported back to the first years of college, sunny fields and tons of friends crowding beer gardens. Jumping off buses and walking to friends houses to get ready for a night on the town.

This thread's going to send me into an early mid life crysis.
It's one of those songs that bring back a flood of memories though.

Yeah i can't stand it either, but it is one of those songs that takes me back. One of the first i thought of when thinking of the nineties.

Here's another. Also, much better music videos in the 90's. Michel Gondry, Garth Jennings, Spike Jones etc. Brilliant

Coincidentally, if you asked me for my 10 greatest albums of all time, 3 of them would be from the same year- 1997. OK Computer, Dig Your Own Hole and Homework.
Meh. The only good tracks on Homework where Around the world, Da Funk and Revolution 909. The rest of the album wasn't that great. That said not much that followed by DP was that great.
Oh man, this thread bring back the pain of living in the 90's. Hated it then, hate it now. Very few redeeming things about the 90's. But I can say the same about the 80's and 00's too...

I think I was born about 60 years too late.
Meh. The only good tracks on Homework where Around the world, Da Funk and Revolution 909. The rest of the album wasn't that great. That said not much that followed by DP was that great.

I found discovery ok if you listen to it as a whole, some of the songs on the second half of the album are quite interesting. Plus i think One More Time is one of my favourite single.

Fresh and Alive were good tracks on Homework.
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