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980ti died, help me find it's replacement

12 Dec 2009
Gloucester, UK
So my EVGA 980ti died the other day while trying to load a game. No idea what happened but the PC won't boot with the power cables plugged into the card, so I assume it's toast.

I'm now thinking right now is not the best time to buy a new GPU due to the potential of new cards on the horizon in the near future. I am looking for some advice as to wether I should try hold out and buy once new cards hit the scene and the likes of the 1080ti price drops a little.

I have been looking at the 1080's, just not sure if I instantly regret not waiting to get the TI version.

Help me decide, I can't do decisions.
i went from a 980ti to a 1080ti, was looking at a 1080 myself but knew I would have regretted it, if you can afford it get a ti just for the extra performance and hopefully would hold their price a bit better
2 years and 8 months, so it should be. Damn, for some reason I thought it was older than this. That's really dissapointing. Is the EVGA rep still around here these days? I'm having a right mare with their website.
2 years and 8 months, so it should be. Damn, for some reason I thought it was older than this. That's really dissapointing. Is the EVGA rep still around here these days? I'm having a right mare with their website.

You maybe lucky and end up with a 1070 to replace it. Both overclocked are around the same speed.
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