A 24-year-old man has been charged with attempted murder over the shooting of Pc

Some twit defaced the get well card that was left out for her (read this in the paper this morning). :mad:
fatiain said:
Some twit defaced the get well card that was left out for her (read this in the paper this morning). :mad:

I read that too and it really did make my blood boil :mad: There are times when I wish that I could get a hold of these people and give them a severe beating just to teach them a lesson :mad: :D
fatiain said:
Some twit defaced the get well card that was left out for her (read this in the paper this morning). :mad:

Surely not???? Cos that is just disrespectful :mad: poor girl gets shot and all someone can do is that? Argh! Some people!
Aliboy said:
I read that too and it really did make my blood boil :mad: There are times when I wish that I could get a hold of these people and give them a severe beating just to teach them a lesson :mad: :D
In all honesty, me too. Not being a KW at all. It's like vandalism in cemetaries/graveyards. Makes me so mad. :mad:

What goes through the tiny little mind of the <expletive deleted> who did this? Is it funny? Big? Clever?
Yes its very sad, but this sort of thing happening in that sort of area was only a matter of time in Nottingham. This City is turning into something more like you'd see in America.

Hopefully the scum that did this will be away for a very long time and I hope Rachael makes a full recovery.
bingham67 said:
Lock him up and throw away the key :mad:

I've got a daring idea: how about we wait until someone is actually found guilty of the crime before we assemble the lynch mob? Or is the idea of the Rule of Law a difficult concept for some here?

^^ shush up while i hand out sickles and pickforks.

Nicked while boarding a plane? oops. Hope they put somebody away for a good while.
teaboy5 said:
Makes me wonder if he had not shot the PC would have he been caught so fast for robbing the house.

Yup, and its ok for them to shoot innocents and the only punishment they get is paper work...lol.
I was driving through Notts the day after she was shot (I go past the Queens Medical where she was) and there seemed to be a much higher police presence around the whole city, pitty they aren't around for most of the other times where this happens :/.
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