A 24-year-old man has been charged with attempted murder over the shooting of Pc

While there were a LOT more cops out in the few days after the shooting, I've lived in Lenton for 2 years and now live nearby, and I can safely say that if you venture out of your house for about 10 minutes you will eventually spot a cop car or run into some bobbies on the beat.

That's not to say they're making themselves useful, but they are always out and in force which is a start :p

i thought computer too, you ought to have put Police Constable...
(never mind though :))

this is bloody chav mentality in this country. i want out.
Scum like that don't deserve a fair trial or a lawyer or due process, they want shooting - but only after they've been beaten for 14 days and/or had their testes removed. Scum! Bleedin' scum! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Edit: I would also like to add that I would without hesitation administer the beating personally should I encounter said individual in an alleyway or other secluded location
Aod said:
i thought computer too, you ought to have put Police Constable...
(never mind though :))

this is bloody chav mentality in this country. i want out.

I would have put Police Constable but it wouldnt fit, the title of the topic was to long.
If you were claiming me to be chav then you are way off.
I dont even drink alcohole of anysort :p
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