A battlefield2 thread

22 Oct 2004
Feel free to add anything u want about this upcoming game ill start.....

I cant wait for this game ive already preordered it and watched lots of videos about. The action looks amazing and the team play sounds like itll actually work. But is anyone worried about the 2gb of memory needing to run it smoothly, im not too sure if thats true even though the producer of the game on a video i watched said it did need it. Also what about broadband connections anyone worried about that, i got a 1mb connection but will that be enough, i get pings of 44-87 on counterstrike source.
i hope i doesnt need 2gb of memory as i only have 768mb. Tbh how many people actually have 2gb............ok i know quite a few people will have but the vast majority of us wont and will prob have btwn 512 - 1gb i would have thought.

Imagine ground troops sneaking up to a emplacement, being supported by heavy armour. Then imagine Helo's bringing in another wave, and all hell breaking loose.

BF1942 was the ultimate in teambased warfare, still a damn good game.

If BF2 gets anywhere near as close, its going to be massive.
I honestly can't see a game coming out that needs 2Gb of RAM when most people are only running 1Gb, there is little point. I would imagine at the most it will need 512Mb but not 2Gb not even 1Gb....its not practical to make a game at the moment that demanding.

masterk said:
Could be a strange question, i have never played the series before, what is it about?

First person shooter with vehicles?

Pretty much it in the basics.

Generally capture and hold maps or some sort of variation.

You always start as a soldier, but you can choose what type, like medic, sniper, RPG etc, then you can get in tanks, humvees, helicopters, jet fighters, gun turrets etc. You can also be the passenger / gunner in vehicles too, depending on what the vehicle can do.
Tried&Tested said:
If only it was ever that exciting.

indeed, 1942 just seemed like constant tanks after tanks, there was barely any on foot based attacks :( which is something i hope they change slightly in this one
Vietnam allways seemed like a helicopter battle more than anything else. You could win the map by hovering above most flags, and anyone who showed some skill by sniping off people was kicked promptly.

I hope theres a better ampasis on teamwork this time too.
I built a new system just for BF2 about 2 weeks ago but it only has 1 gig ram

A64 3800
1 GIG ram
2 Western Digital Raptor 74GB 10,000RPM HDD's
3 mbit Internet connection.

If I have to put another stick of ram in it then I guess I better get it now.
Lee2k4 said:
I built a new system just for BF2 about 2 weeks ago but it only has 1 gig ram

A64 3800
1 GIG ram
2 Western Digital Raptor 74GB 10,000RPM HDD's
3 mbit Internet connection.

If I have to put another stick of ram in it then I guess I better get it now.
I wouldn't bother I'm pretty sure you wont need it, otherwise once the game comes out EA will have a LOT of complaints as not catering for the current crop of systems, how many main stream retailers and manufacturers are producing PC's with 2Gb of RAM....not many at all....nuff said.

I still love 1942 but play Desertcombat mod more, so i hope BF2 is on the lines of that and ill love it, oh and i hope they not going for the naff BFV control for the helicopters, as i felt like i had achieved something learning to fly them in DC.
This is what IGN have to say about it and 1GB is enough to max the game out...

These are approximations, but based on the various systems we've played it on:

1.8GHz, 64MB video RAM, 512k RAM - 1024x768, low details (still looks good, btw)

2GHz, 128MB video RAM, 1GB RAM - 1280 x 960, medium details

3GHz, 256MB video RAM, 1GB RAM - everything maxed (the videos you're seeing)

It's all variable. On my 3.0GHz, 1GB RAM and GeForce FX 5950 Ultra, it's totally unplayable on max settings, but runs perfectly on medium settings at 1024 x 768.

On Tom's 3.0GHz, 1GB RAM and GeForce 6800 GT it runs perfectly at 1280 x 960 with max detail and 4x FSAA.
teulk said:
i hope i doesnt need 2gb of memory as i only have 768mb. Tbh how many people actually have 2gb............ok i know quite a few people will have but the vast majority of us wont and will prob have btwn 512 - 1gb i would have thought.

Well, consider that to run smoothly you really need 1gig RAM for BF1942, and when that was released, quite a lot of people only had 512meg.

I think people need to realise that just because a game isn't unplayable, doesn't mean that it wouldn't be marginally better with more RAM. I'm sure most of you will be perfectly happy running BF2 with only 1gig RAM, because you won't really notice the occasional paging that much (especially if the framerate is relatively low to start with). I mean games like Doom3 can be played with only 512meg RAM, but the peak memory usage does exceed that at times, meaning it is worth having. Same for Far Cry, in that its ok with 768meg ram but 1gig would be better.
I think this game is going to be a massive hit, possibly even game of the year....especially if it follows the same success that BF1942 did :D

Closest thing to come close to this so far I think is Joint Operations which I have recently been glued to :p

Really looking forward to it.

I havn't actually read into any articles concerning gameplay, so if any1 has any links it would be appreciated.

I hope they don't make the mistake they did with BF:V though and have unbalanced classes, i hate to see another "Rambo" class :eek:
DEL 707 said:
I hope they don't make the mistake they did with BF:V though and have unbalanced classes, i hate to see another "Rambo" class :eek:
I second this, bought BF:V, played it twice and not touched it since....helo's are just mayhem!!

I was only jokin about 2gig needed ;) if thats where u got it from!

yeah as above said 1gig seems fine, BF2 no doubt will be a demanding game they say the maps are on HL2 quality and all so imagine that only larger and with tons of vehicles.

They did say the emphasis will be taken back to ground fighting but at same time the vehicles have more space so more can hop on...

Regardless gotta wait and see what its like, I dont see it failing though!
Doing a bit of googling whilst bored at work I've found what is to be the proposed system requirements.


* DVD-ROM: 16X
* CPU Speed: 933MHz
* CPU Type: Intel Pentium III
* Disk Space: 2.0GB
* Graphics: AGP Video Card With 64MB Or More Memory And NVIDIA GeForce 3 Or ATI Radeon 8500 Cards
* Memory (RAM): 256MB
* Operating System Compatibility: Win98/ME/2000/XP, Not Mac Compatible


- OS: Windows XP (incompatible with Windows 2000 and Me)
- Processor: Pentium IV 1.7 GHz. Recommended: Pentium IV 2 GHz or Athlon XP
- Memory: 512 MB RAM. Recommended: 1 GB RAM
- DVD: Speed 16x
- Graphical Card: 128 MB.
Radeon X700 (PCIe)
Radeon X600 (PCIe)
GeForce 6600 (PCIe)
GeForce PCX 5900 (PCIe)
GeForce PCX 5300 (PCIe)
GeForce 5800 Series (AGP)
ATI Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition
ATI Radeon X800 PRO
ATI Radeon 9800 Series
ATI Radeon 9600 Series
ATI Radeon 9550 (RV350LX)
ATI Radeon 9500/9700 Series
ATI Radeon 8500 Series
ATI Radeon X300 Series
NVidia Extreme GeForce 6800
NVidia GeForce 6800 GT
NVidia GeForce 6800
NVidia GeForce FX 5950 Series
NVidia GeForce FX 5900 Series
NVidia GeForce FX 5700 Series
- Card of sound: Compatible with DirectX Version 9.0b
- Multiplayer: 1 DVD by PC
- Network: TCP/IP Compliant, 2-32 players
- Internet: Broadband 2-32
Only thing I know to be 100% different is that it supports up to 64 players, so if this is the minumum required spec then there will be no worries at all, maybe the so called 2Gb required also has gotten all confused with HDD space ;)

More info found here: http://www.pro-networks.org/forum/about53225.html

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