A case which fits

and damn hard drive prices went up so much i remember the 1 above being 49.99 pounds :/
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well i can go to like 130 pounds so there are many options :) i was thinking a HAF because i need a good airflow since i have 2 graphic cards
You could switch the H100 for a decent air heatsink (ie silver arrow) and a silverstone RV03, for a dedicated air rig.

But yeah 650D also looks good.

Personally I wouldn't want to use the H100 (may as well go the whole hog and custom watercool everything), but that's up to you. :)
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Will you ever want to watercool?

Personally (as a haf owner) i'd go for one of the silverstone cases, either the raven or the fortress. I'd also drop the H100 and get a silver arrow or any of the massive twin 120mm fan heatsinks then spend the extra money on the case.
If you're looking for good air-cooking out of the box with the ability to use water later then the HAF X is a good choice as long as you have the room. I've been nothing but impressed with mine. Build quality is excellent, its quiet and keeps things nice and cool. 1090t @ 4ghz doesn't go over 41 degrees when gaming for hours on end. Thats with a noctua nh-d14. GPU never goes over 65 degrees.
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