A few oblivion questions

27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
1. If I have a fire resistance of 75 (Dark elf trait I believe) and I have a ring with resist Magicka 10, Does that give me a resistance of 85 to Fire?

2. If I add poison to a Bow, Does it automatically poison the arrows fired from it? Otherwise it would be pointless :p

3. I currently have the Ebony Longsword, Is there a better weapon out there, Longsword wise(As I like to use my shield) It does 7 Damage, So i'm guessing there will be, And what would you recommend attaching to the sword, Magic wise, Once I get into the University.

I'm only level 7 by the way.
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27 Oct 2002
At the fulcrum of humdrum
1 - IIRC: yes,but only from fire-based spells. Your ring wouldn't help with lava, for instance.

2 - If you apply poison to a bow, then the next arrow fired from it [and ONLY the next arrow] will have the poison attack. Perhaps counter-intuitively, it's the bow that you apply poison to, not the arrow. If you want to stack poisons on a target, be prepared for some stop-start menu-negotiating 'action'.

3 - There are quite a few 1H Blade longswords out there. One in particular obtained from a quest [well, sort of ;)] will see you right through most of the game for all manner of reasons. Remember that your ebony longsword is only doing 7 damage because of your relatively low level/Blade skill/Strength - increase all these and the same weapon will naturally do more damage.

If you're going to enchant a weapon, I'd lean toward a shock damage enchant, seeing as most Daedra and pesky undead both seem to be vulnerable to it.
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23 Nov 2005
magika resistance (non elemental) reduces the potential of effects like stat reduction

damage enchantments on bows function, but wont stack with a arrows enchantment when fired together (only the bow enchantment process's)
29 Aug 2006
1; No, fire is elemental magic. you need resistance to fire enchantments to become completely fireproof, and remember a dark elf has 100% weakness to magic as a race weakness. better off buffing up resistance to magic with enchantments.

2; yes, but only the initial arrow fired. you have to re-poison each subsequent arrow.

3; a Daedric longsword has the highest damage for unenchanted single handed blades.
Daedric claymores a bit higher. Umbra is the highest damage blade attainable (clavicus vile daedric quest) but its soul capture enchantment is questionable
i assume you are at a low'ish level. an ebony longsword does 22 damage over lvl 20. (umbra 28, daedric longsword 24).
goldbrand is arguably better than umbra. does 22 damage with fire damage (boethia daedric quest)
either put your own enchantments on a daedric longsword (heavy though) or get intimate with oblivion construction set or download a mod for better weaponry.

ah, just noticed you are lvl 7. complete mages guild to access enchanting alters or get the frostcragg spire plugin.
if you attain another ebony sword swap it. as you level your old weapons stay at their original levelled stats. if you obtain the same weapon at a higher level it will have higher stats up to lvl 20 where upon everything is at full statistical value.

p.s. you'll be disapointed by the level of enchantments you can curse a weapon with. like i said if you truly want a personal weapon with your own stats and enchantments create one in construction set. its power is only limited by how much you want to retain original game values :eek:
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