A few questions about the army etc

Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
A mate is thinking of joining the army, and was wondering about experiences that members perhaps have? Therefore i'm throwing this question out to anybody here how has.
How old his he? British citizent? Wants to go to uni? TA? Regular? Best thing to do is go to armyjobs.mod.uk and get an information pack, then go have a chat with an officer at his local recruiting office.
I'm considering doing Officers training once I finish uni. I'm also considering doing the UOTC thing maybe next year. See how it goes, I might completely change my mind in a week.
SpliffVortex said:
I think the royal Navy would be safer .

I think drowning to death would be worse then getting shot to death.
There more chance of drowning in the navy so i wouldnt join that unless i got an office job far from sea :p
SpliffVortex said:
I think the royal Navy would be safer .

If someone is worried about their personal safety then perhaps a career in the military isn't for them, wouldn't you say? Putting your life at risk is part of the job description.
Mohinder said:
You can join most of the trades in the RAF at anything up to 29 dude, I dunno if it's the same for the Army but I don't see why not?

ive still got 2 years of uni to go..starting this sept..

plus ive got a lot of stuff going on..business etc..

I dunno..maybe ill give it all up to join the army...
dirtydog said:
If someone is worried about their personal safety then perhaps a career in the military isn't for them, wouldn't you say? Putting your life at risk is part of the job description.
There is nothing wrong with worrying about your personal safety and joining the Military, it's doing your bit that counts. It's very unlikely that someone in the Navy (or ground trade RAF) would ever see combat, although if they did, after the rigourous training they endure, I've no doubt 99% of them would be able to see it through.

I'm hoping to join the RAF as an Officer, either Fighter Controller or Flight Operations Officer. Now there is pretty much no chance that I'd ever see any combat action (other than basic defense tactics in the first 4 weeks of Initial Officer Training). I wouldn't say it was one of my main reasons for choosing the RAF, but I seriously question whether or not I think I'd be happy going for Army Officer or the Marines, when their main role is to shoot and get shot at. That's just the person I am, however if the time came where I was needed to pick up a gun and do my part, I would happily do it.
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Balddog said:
ive still got 2 years of uni to go..starting this sept..

plus ive got a lot of stuff going on..business etc..

I dunno..maybe ill give it all up to join the army...

Join the TA if you fancy it - depending on what you want to do there are some very dedicated and prestigous TA units if you are motivated and fit enough
cleanbluesky said:
Join the TA if you fancy it - depending on what you want to do there are some very dedicated and prestigous TA units if you are motivated and fit enough

Actually been speaking to a mate of mine whos in the TA up in sheffield..where my uni is..

Ill prolly sign up when im back..

but what are the chances of the TA doing anything?
think about what you want to do later in life also...a right trade learned in the army will get you a job after you leave

My best mate was in the Royal Signals..setting up sattelite coms, repairing radios, general elctrical engineering...got a trade and was set for when he left the forces
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