A few questions for Spirit drinkers and Barstaff

Man of Honour
19 Jan 2003
Hi all,

I'm currently doing a project at uni, and need to come up with some answers to a few question. The questions are a bit vague/silly, but if you could answer honestly I'd much appreciate it.

These questions only relate to people that buy double shots of spirits from the bar, and also to barstaff that serve these drinks, but I think it may be more
  • (Q1) :: Are you answering as a customer or a barman?
  • (Q2) :: Are you at all bothered having to wait the few seconds it takes for the optic/dispenser to fill up after a shot has been put in the glass?
    (That's valuable drinking time lost :))
  • (Q3) :: Thefore would you be happy to see that time greatly reduced, thus giving you more chance to serve more customers / get more drinks quicker?

Thanks a lot anyway,

1 - Customer
2 - No, my life's not that busy I have to use quick cook pasta and save a whole 3 minutes either.
3 - As long as it pours the correct measure (or slightly over ;)), then I'm not that bothered.
I is a customer..

Not really, simply because it's a few seconds. Also most bars have optics of different measures now e.g. 25ml, 50ml for doubles and 35ml for the new shot size.

Not really, I suppose something quicker would be nicer e.g. if the bar was busy and I was ordering a round. I don't really think it an issue anyhow. In Liverpool more and more bars are opening up (I think to do with the Capital of Culture award etc), and most of them now are doing away with optics and pouring a measure out by hand.
DaveyD said:
Hi all,

  • (Q1) :: Are you answering as a customer or a barman?
  • (Q2) :: Are you at all bothered having to wait the few seconds it takes for the optic/dispenser to fill up after a shot has been put in the glass?
    (That's valuable drinking time lost :))

  • (Q3) :: Thefore would you be happy to see that time greatly reduced, thus giving you more chance to serve more customers / get more drinks quicker?
1 - both used to work in a bar now i dont

2 - its like 2 seconds to wait doesnt bother me

3 - you can easily be doing another spirit at the same time so doesnt take that long, and if im buying i dont mind waiting, i have black velvets that take about 3 mins to make if you know what you are doing :)
  • (Q1) :: Are you answering as a customer or a barman?

  • (Q2) :: Are you at all bothered having to wait the few seconds it takes for the optic/dispenser to fill up after a shot has been put in the glass?
    (That's valuable drinking time lost :))

  • (Q3) :: Thefore would you be happy to see that time greatly reduced, thus giving you more chance to serve more customers / get more drinks quicker?

    Don't really mind.

Only thing I would mention, is the manner in which the questions are asked gives a bias towards answering yes to the second two. E.g. "valuable drinking time", "greatly reduced" etc. To get a true answer from your participants questions should contain as little bias as possible. E.g.

When being served a double from a 25ml dispensor, does the waiting time of the optic refilling bother you?

Would you prefer to see this time reduced?
fatiain said:
1 - Customer
2 - No, my life's not that busy I have to use quick cook pasta and save a whole 3 minutes either.
3 - As long as it pours the correct measure (or slightly over ;)), then I'm not that bothered.

As above.

Stan :)
2-nope,anybody who cant wait for a dispenser usually drinks thunderbird and has no need for a dispenser anyway.
3-see above.
1. customer
2. no
3. no

As said, most places have 2 of the same optics next to each other which eliminates the problem, but this is deffinatly only in the interest of the bar staff speeding things up.
1. Customer
2. No it doesn't make a great deal of difference to me and as already mentioned many bars have two of the same type of spirits next to each other to save time.
3. Not bothered, I don't generally need to get drinks that much quicker. I can drink fast enough as it is :)
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