A few questions for Spirit drinkers and Barstaff


It bothered me a little

Maybe, I wouldn't be that bothered but it would help I suppose.

Sounds like you have an invention, eh? :)
Abyss said:
  • (Q1) :: Are you answering as a customer or a barman?

  • (Q2) :: Are you at all bothered having to wait the few seconds it takes for the optic/dispenser to fill up after a shot has been put in the glass?
    (That's valuable drinking time lost :))

  • (Q3) :: Thefore would you be happy to see that time greatly reduced, thus giving you more chance to serve more customers / get more drinks quicker?

    Don't really mind.

Only thing I would mention, is the manner in which the questions are asked gives a bias towards answering yes to the second two. E.g. "valuable drinking time", "greatly reduced" etc. To get a true answer from your participants questions should contain as little bias as possible. E.g.

When being served a double from a 25ml dispensor, does the waiting time of the optic refilling bother you?

Would you prefer to see this time reduced?

Yeah, questions are a bit biased, didn't think them out brilliantly, I was still a bit drunk when writing it :p, but from the answers that are coming out it does show the trend that I was expecting, not really bothering people except for the odd barman. I think it's more to kibblerok's point about having to serve lots of the same stuff from one bottle, and probably only the most annoying when it's a very busy bar/club.

Thanks for the replies so far anyway.

Chads said:

It bothered me a little

Maybe, I wouldn't be that bothered but it would help I suppose.

Sounds like you have an invention, eh? :)

Kind of :p but it's all ideas stages and need an invention/product that there is an actual need for, and it's a big group project, with me assigned to this product idea :)
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  • (Q1) :: Are you answering as a customer or a barman? Customer
  • (Q2) :: Are you at all bothered having to wait the few seconds it takes for the optic/dispenser to fill up after a shot has been put in the glass?
    (That's valuable drinking time lost :)) Wasted time annoys me - depends if I'm in a good mood or not.
  • (Q3) :: Thefore would you be happy to see that time greatly reduced, thus giving you more chance to serve more customers / get more drinks quicker? Any time reduced can only be an advantage to both the customer and barstaff, the way I see it.
DaveyD said:
[*](Q1) :: Are you answering as a customer or a barman?

[*](Q2) :: Are you at all bothered having to wait the few seconds it takes for the optic/dispenser to fill up after a shot has been put in the glass?
(That's valuable drinking time lost :))

[*](Q3) :: Thefore would you be happy to see that time greatly reduced, thus giving you more chance to serve more customers / get more drinks quicker?[/list]

Q1 Customer
Q2 No
Q3 Therefore, still no.

Take your uni project seriously and prove the media wrong - that students aren't all a bunch of wasters.
No (if it was that busy on a certain optic then i'de double stack)

Free Pour *** anyways :P

Not particularly, unless I'm doing lots of the same sort of obscure spirit which we only have one optic for.

Not that fussed, 50ml optics for the popular doubles and most of our stuff's free pour.
  • (Q1) :: Are you answering as a customer or a barman?
  • (Q2) :: Are you at all bothered having to wait the few seconds it takes for the optic/dispenser to fill up after a shot has been put in the glass?
    (That's valuable drinking time lost :))
  • (Q3) :: Thefore would you be happy to see that time greatly reduced, thus giving you more chance to serve more customers / get more drinks quicker?

Q1 :- Ex Bar Manager

Q2 :- Nope, my bar we had 2 of all major spirits so when doing a double it's easy to take one shot and move to the bottle beside it for the 2nd, alternatively we also had 50ml Optics if needed

Q3 :- See Q2, Didn't affect my bar or my staff

Thanks a lot anyway,

1. Bartender
2. No i never did mind but i always much prefered using a propper pour spout.
3. No, it's not a particulaly long time to wait, a few seconds never hurt anyone
1. Customer
2. No, unless the bar is very busy and the people in front of me are getting lots of doubles.
3. On a normal night out, indifferent, but those few seconds can stack up a lot when there are 10 people in front of you.
1. Barman.
2. Yes, I hate standing and waiting for it to refill.
3. I would indeed, if I could get more drinks served I can get rid of people quicker.
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