A good video compresser...?

7 Jan 2003
Gold Coast, Australia
Hello im after a really good video compressor, i have a 7 minute film made by a friend for our last day at school but its 1.5gb, its in AVI format.

Now i want to host it on my server but i certainly dont have that much space to upload to, is there a good program that will let me compress this vid down to a more realistic size?
divx? xvid? lots of codecs you could use. divx convertor that comes with the divx pro package is just about the easiest things ive used. give that a try:)
Will anyone who plays this (you can imagine the type, ppl who dont know how to use a computer) i mean is there an exact codec they can install instead of the KL codec.
If it's for a lot of people that arent particularly computer-savvy i'd keep it simple. I'd go for Sorenson 3 for Quicktime (a lot of people have QT installed) or WMV. They're both pretty good.
Is there just a plain and simple codec you can use for divx compressed stuff, which you can use with windows media player?
demon8991 said:
Is there just a plain and simple codec you can use for divx compressed stuff, which you can use with windows media player?

The problem with using divx and xvid is that most un-savvy computer users wont have it installed. You could try the cinepak codec, that's probably the safest out there. Dont forget you can fiddle with the resolution and bitrate etc to make the video smaller.

I'd still go for Sorenson 3 for QT. I'm sure most people would have QT, especially as it comes with iTunes nowadays. Failing that just try WMV, whatever the highest version you have. I found with WMV its a bit hit and miss though so you may have to fiddle a bit before you get something that actually looks good as well as being small in size.
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usually, id use VirtualDub to convert any DV encoded file into an XVid file, splitting into separate video and audio sources with the audio converted into AAC and then merged back into the final AVI. Many codecs will install the necessary directshow filters, which media players can make use of. some codecs will have properties that allow you to enforce a bitrate or specify a target filesize. Plenty to tweak to your hearts content.
demon8991 said:
Must be a codec that allows xvid or divx to work on windows media player.

Well erm, yeah -- it'll be the xvid or divx codec :confused: lol

What i'm saying is that if you use xvid or divx it's a 3rd party (not sure if thats the right expression) codec. Meaning when it doesnt work, the users dont get a nice message from WMP telling them to upgrade.. it just wont work. The only way it'll work is if they've gone off and installed the codec themselves. Unlikely to happen if they're not computer-savvy.

demon8991 said:
That cinepak doesnt work for me btw.

Doesnt work how? You cant encode with it or you cant view stuff in it?

skankmaster said:
usually, id use VirtualDub to convert any DV encoded file into an XVid file, splitting into separate video and audio sources with the audio converted into AAC and then merged back into the final AVI. Many codecs will install the necessary directshow filters, which media players can make use of. some codecs will have properties that allow you to enforce a bitrate or specify a target filesize. Plenty to tweak to your hearts content.

All very nice, but will it work on a vanilla WMP? Or is that what you mean by installing the directshow filters?
Ok sorted it i converted the compressed divx file into a wmv without a huge loss of quality gain in size.

So im happy.

Cheers for all your help guys.
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