A Great Year for Gigs

Anyone here going to download? metallica sold out too fast for me to get a ticket, aand i want to cry...Tool will rock, can't wait for that, and are NIN playing in the UK again this year? I missed out when they were here in Feb, as my wife was ill.....tickets went to waste :(
This year I've seen:

The Shins
Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor being one of the most beautiful experiences of my entire life.

Thus, going to see her again in September, for the second most beautiful experience of my entire life. :D :D

EDIT: Also hoping to catch Monkey Swallows The Universe at some point this year.
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Looking forward to:

Fear Before The March Of Flames
Blood Brothers
Blonde Redhead
Hot Cross
going to primavera in spain at the end of the month

i am very excited.

sonic youth
the fall
smashing pumpkins
white stripes

Blokey57 said:
Haha, i dont have the money to see Isis too sadly...
Serves you right for getting me into Cult of Luna 2 days after their UK tour...

Barely stopped listening to them since though, my new fav band at the moment so I guess we'll call it a draw :).
Gigs coming up in 07:
The Who - Sheffield
Marillion - Leeds
Dream Theater - Newcastle
Hyde Park Calling - Areosmith & line up
Hyde Park Calling - Peter Gabriel & line up
Bryan Adams - Doncaster
Bill Bailey - Sheffield (Does this count!?)
Concert for Diana - Wembley
INXS - Manchester
Wireless Festival - Kaiser Chiefs - Leeds
Genesis - Old Trafford

Been to see in 07:
Idlewild - Leeds Met
Bryan Adams - Sheffield
Ricky Gervais - Sheffield
Roger Waters - Manchester
Big Chris said:
Serves you right for getting me into Cult of Luna 2 days after their UK tour...

Barely stopped listening to them since though, my new fav band at the moment so I guess we'll call it a draw :).

*cackles maniacally* :D
im blatently still in the lead! :p

28 gigs... to my knowlege... since january...

theres a few more that need to be filled in too :P
Blokey57 said:
Surely that may mean you just like any old guff? ;)

Hehe :)

ohohoh you get beats!!


nah i just like a lot of bands :p .. or guff, whichever you like to call it !


all i know is i think ive sweat out 5 times my body weight! lol
Been to see Meat Loaf in Glasgow (SECC last Fri) was good and I enjoyed it but he's struggling to sing the old classics now :(

Off to see Bryan Adams at Murrayfield end of June

Possibly going to T in the Park (If I can get the weekend off work) - http://www.tinthepark.com/ - line up looks pretty good to me

And am afraid the wife's gonna drag me back to the SECC in December to see Wet Wet Wet :eek:
There is only one act to see this year, and that's Metallica @ Wembley :D

Cannot wait. All I need now is Rammstein to play somewhere :)
Sonea Fifer said:
Been to see Meat Loaf in Glasgow (SECC last Fri) was good and I enjoyed it but he's struggling to sing the old classics now :(

Off to see Bryan Adams at Murrayfield end of June

Possibly going to T in the Park (If I can get the weekend off work) - http://www.tinthepark.com/ - line up looks pretty good to me

And am afraid the wife's gonna drag me back to the SECC in December to see Wet Wet Wet :eek:

I saw Meatloaf in '05. The music was good but his voice has pretty much gone now, hasn't it? I was disappointed.

Bryan Adams, however, is putting on some storming shows at the moment.

-Playing for 2 1/2 hours, including:
-Playing on a stage in the MIDDLE of the audience,
-Dragging audience members onto the stage all night long
-Playing some classic blues covers
-Playing a monster setlist of about 26/27 songs, and
-Walking through the audience at a point during the show!

Even if you aren't a fan of his music, you'd still enjoy the show! :) Have a good one!
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