A lesson for the new generation of whiners?

10 Nov 2015
Reading this article from the BBC today and it made me think about what constitutes something to wail and complain about these days. This lady was ostracised from her friends and neighbours by a government determined to exterminate her, spent time in a concentration camp and ended up safe in London.


What do we see these days? Multiple posts in social media and on the news outlets about the most petty and ridiculous nonsense.

The part that got me the most was this:

"I remember I went to my best friend's house, a Catholic girl, and when I got there her mother slammed the door in my face," she said. "Her mother, she looked with such hatred and said: 'I never want to see you again.'

"I ran home crying. My mother said: 'Things are going to change now for Jewish people.'"

As a father, to think of a 9 year old being exposed to this and there being no fall back on the authorities because it is the authorities committing the crimes, is the most emotive element of this story. Perhaps if we really remembered the past as it was, not as people want to rewrite it as, then society would be a lot more tolerant and less selfish.

it really puts complaints about mispronouncing names and using the incorrect pronoun into context.
I agree, but it won't make any difference. When life is easy we find a way to make it difficult.
Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times <-- We are just entering the start of this phase
Phew, good thing the government of today isn't doing anything to whip up hate against any minority groups. We really have learned the lessons of the past!
Subversion, it's the only way the west could be defeated or transformed by its enemies (from within). It's no coincidence that BLM's leaders are self confessed Marxists and want to smash capitalism and that Antifa members proudly fly the Hammer and Sickle. Where are these groups in the countries where they can make a real difference? if these people are so oppressed then why is it they have so much support from corporations and the mega-wealthy?
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Always been that way, watch an episode of "real housewives of" and watch pampered wealthy women who live off their rich hubby complain and fall out as if they had a hard life
Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times <-- We are just entering the start of this phase

You've actually justified the existence of the left. Well done.
Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times <-- We are just entering the start of this phase
probably more to do with importing american culture.
like shrinks and compensation claims.

lead to a whole new industry of counselling for everything and people never being to blame.
the people becoming adults in the 2000s seemed like the most entitled spoilt brats ever, now we get there kids entering adulthood
All good unless you're literally being rounded up into a concentration camp?!

A high bar indeed for society to aim for.

Because there couldn't possibly be a whole spectrum of issues between being called "him" when you identify as "her" and the genocide of 6 million people... :rolleyes:
lol at thread full of whiners already. GG GD you nailed the sentiment of this article.

Oh wait but your whines are more correct... got it.
GD is just a whining outlet for people that bite on all the tabloid culture war drivel at this point. With the odd interesting thread tucked away.
I agree, but it won't make any difference. When life is easy we find a way to make it difficult.

suffering is relative.

everyone's problems are a big deal, to that individual.

as a general rule it should be considered a good thing that a given generation is considered to not have "real" problems by the generation prior, because it means that prior generation did their job of making the world a better place.
suffering is relative.

everyone's problems are a big deal, to that individual.

as a general rule it should be considered a good thing that a given generation is considered to not have "real" problems by the generation prior, because it means that prior generation did their job of making the world a better place.

Tell me all about that 'no more suffering' in Africa please?
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