A list of word Paradoxs'

Wait wait wait, fathering your father would lead to some screwed up madness

In terms of genetic material (as a statistical average, I know this isn't exact)-

You father is half your gran, half you
Meaning you're quarter gran, quarter you, half mum

So when this new 'you' goes back, your father becomes
5/8 gran, 1/8 you, 1/4 his wife to be

Meaning you're
5/16 gran, 1/16 yourself (eh?) and 5/8 your mum

Now I know this isn't exact, but I'm averaging it out over many many parallel universes, and as you go further and further on in this 'circular reference' it can only lead to one thing - LUNACY.
Steve said:
The classic

If God is omnipotent, could he create a rock that he wouldn't be able to lift?

No, you've destroyed a classic. The classic is:

Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?


Needs to be in context...
Ive heard of the Grandfather one, as I've seen the "roswell that ends well" episode of futurama. Great episode that.

The Back to the future ones I've only really heard of in the films and I didnt really put as much thought as i should have into the paradox there. Only enough to understand the concept of multiple universes and fixing them. Which is really the problem I find with the Grandfather Paradox. If you go back and cause those problems using BTTF logic you're basicaly creating another universe and we just happened to follow the one where Fry killed his grandfather.

The way I see it is that the universes split (into how many arcs I don't know as its not real ;) ) as soon as time travel occured so if we had followed the one where they didn't go back it wouldn't have been a very interesting episode. So somewhere out there in Futurama land there is another univers where they didnt travel back and fry didnt lose the delta wave thing by being his own grandfather and the earth got taken over by the brains.

The whole multiple universe thing is an incredible concept. I like to think that every decision made creates a new universe where the different things play out. I think I'm getting ahead of myself though here and I'm fairly sure this post makes no sense whatsoever, but of course going by my logic theres a "universe" out there where I never did this thread ;)
OCdt Stringy said:
Wait wait wait, fathering your father would lead to some screwed up madness

In terms of genetic material (as a statistical average, I know this isn't exact)-

You father is half your gran, half you
Meaning you're quarter gran, quarter you, half mum

So when this new 'you' goes back, your father becomes
5/8 gran, 1/8 you, 1/4 his wife to be

Meaning you're
5/16 gran, 1/16 yourself (eh?) and 5/8 your mum

Now I know this isn't exact, but I'm averaging it out over many many parallel universes, and as you go further and further on in this 'circular reference' it can only lead to one thing - LUNACY.
Hang on, I've been running the numbers, and it's tending towards your parents becoming your Mum and your Gran (fathers side), and your dad only being parented by his Gran alone :confused:


Actually my numbers are inherently flawed! I'm working on fixing the continuum transfanctioner and uprating the flux capacitor to get them right!
Great Scott!
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Zero5 said:

I think someone actually theorised that there was actually only 7 parallel universes or something :p

If you're into quantum physics, try reading up about things like "Quarts" and "String theory". There's a lot of interesting stuff out there about "Dark Matter" and "Anti-Matter" too.
JCBeastie said:
You travel back in time and visit Albert Einstein. You tell him all about his theories and the breakthrough he made with E=MC2.

Eventually he tells the world what he has discovered, although he never actually developed the theory himself.

So, who infact discovered E=MC2?


Sounds a bit like the invention of clear aluminium (or aluminum in the film) in Star Trek 4 - The Voyage Home.
Ok, I think I've finally gotten this whole fathering your father business stuck down

Genetically (averaged over many parallel universes) your father is 2/3 his gran, and 1/3 his own Wife to be. You become 1/3 your gran, and 2/3 your mum.

Confused? I am. And I'm probably wrong.
The time travel ones aren't really paradoxes, you're just making assumptions about the nature of time travel which we don't actually know anything about :D

It could be that when you travel back in time and make some sort of change like bumping off your Grandparents you cause a new 'timeline' to form which continues separately from the 'timeline' where you didn't kill your Grandparents, you then won't be born in that particular 'timeline'.

Or there's the infinite universes theory where to travel back in time you actually travel to a parallel universe, again in that universe when you kill your Grandparents you won't actually be born - it doesn't matter though because you are still born in the original universe...

Edit - oops, too slow :o
Steve said:
The classic

If God is omnipotent, could he create a rock that he wouldn't be able to lift?

I won't even go near a thread like that, last one I saw it went on and on for ages.
playworker said:
The time travel ones aren't really paradoxes, you're just making assumptions about the nature of time travel which we don't actually know anything about :D

It could be that when you travel back in time and make some sort of change like bumping off your Grandparents you cause a new 'timeline' to form which continues separately from the 'timeline' where you didn't kill your Grandparents, you then won't be born in that particular 'timeline'.

Or there's the infinite universes theory where to travel back in time you actually travel to a parallel universe, again in that universe when you kill your Grandparents you won't actually be born - it doesn't matter though because you are still born in the original universe...

Edit - oops, too slow :o

I suggest you read Cowl by Neal Asher, he has an intersting slant on time travel. He introduced the "probability slope", the further you travel and change events the further down the slope you are, the further down the more energy is required for to return. Eventually you become stuck in time...

Not the universe cares how many of you are running around. Temporal cloning is quite understandable.
Zero5 said:
I'm trying to find word paradoxs' to confudle people with. The only one I've come across is "the liars paradox" which goes like this,

I'm lying, even now.

I thought that word paradoxes were oxymorons. ie I'm lying, even now or the deafening silence or my personal favourites, married bliss and Microsoft Works :D
OCdt Stringy said:
Wait wait wait, fathering your father would lead to some screwed up madness

In terms of genetic material (as a statistical average, I know this isn't exact)-

You father is half your gran, half you
Meaning you're quarter gran, quarter you, half mum

So when this new 'you' goes back, your father becomes
5/8 gran, 1/8 you, 1/4 his wife to be

Meaning you're
5/16 gran, 1/16 yourself (eh?) and 5/8 your mum

Now I know this isn't exact, but I'm averaging it out over many many parallel universes, and as you go further and further on in this 'circular reference' it can only lead to one thing - LUNACY.

Umm, Looking how genetics work, I would assume the following to be correct.

You go back in time and bang up a lady (your Gran).

Her x chromosome and your y chromosome make a son (your Dad).

That son then goes and bangs up a bird (your Mum) and has a son so your y chromosome is passed on to you and the x chromosome of your mum is passed on to you.

You go back in time and bang up this lady.

Repeat infinitum.

That means you are half, yourself and half your mum. Your dad is half you and half his mum.
Steve said:
Imagine this

Due to placing a metal pop corn container in a microwave (after removing the do not microwave lable) and being in close proximity to a supernova you are flung back in time to 1947 where you kill your grandfather and knock up your grandmother fathering your own father!!!!

A tricky one that sounds like it's out of a mad scificomtoon ;)

Wasn't that an episode of Futurama???... :confused:
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