A mixed day...

olv said:
sounds like a brilliant day. i love the 360CS, gorgeous.
That CS is one of the best in the country at the moment, it's mint.

vvv OK the one without the front plate :p
Nice pics. Looking forward to some video's.

Love that Merc SL55 AMG :D

How many RS4's were they? Love them cars to bits, yet to be inside of one though :(
Bennah said:
Nice pics. Looking forward to some video's.

Love that Merc SL55 AMG :D

How many RS4's were they? Love them cars to bits, yet to be inside of one though :(

All those lovely cars there and you pick out some manky merc? :confused:

some people i'll never understand lol
Posted at the same time as me mate :p

I was referring to what you said... "no fair! and they didn't let you have a play?"

Yea the Merc may be a 'normal' car like the RS4, but there are somethings about them I just love. Especially the RS4. Damn they are nice :D
Oh right yeah, get what you mean now :p i dont iamgine i'd let anyone touch it if it was my ferrari :D
olv said:
Oh right yeah, get what you mean now :p i dont iamgine i'd let anyone touch it if it was my ferrari :D
It's all relative. I've done airfield days with a lot of Italian metal present and the keys are swapped more often than at a wife swapping party with one stunner and twelve fat birds.
Fair enough if you've got the keys to someone elses car, i wouldn't have a problem someone driving it if it was obvious they weren't completely incompetant behind the wheel. Just not any old randomer :p

all academic though, not as though i've got a Ferrari to lend out anyway :)
I think thise event is pretty unique in that respect, it only attracts the "right sort of people" who you are quite confident in their abilities.
Bennah said:
Hehe :p

How do you get an invite then? Got to have a fast decent car and a load of money :D

It's a mixture of various factors really, but having something fast or interesting if pretty much vital.
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