A Move to Full Frame?

Hmmm no one has asked what you shoot to know if a Mk1 5D is going to be in some way a limiting factor. Have to say I struggle when people claim that a camera is more limiting than their own skills as a photographer !!!!!!

I have a 5D Mk1 .... was a great camera when came out and was the current must have, and still take the same pictures today.... If you want one, try and and go for it, then learn how to get the most out of it.... and don't worry about the willy wavers who MUST have the latest just released kit.....
If I can't get the picture I want with it, then it will be me messing up not the camera.

This makes no sense to me, yet I hear it parroted all the time. It's like saying if my horse and cart can't win a Grand Prix, it's my horse handling skills that are the limiting factor.
The idea of technological improvements is to enable new possibilities, or at the very least, enable better ways of working.
The only scenario where it would make sense to say the photographer is the limiting factor, is if the tog in question is devoid of any talent, or do not push any technical boundaries of what their cameras are capable of e.g. ISO etc.
This makes no sense to me, yet I hear it parroted all the time. It's like saying if my horse and cart can't win a Grand Prix, it's my horse handling skills that are the limiting factor.
The idea of technological improvements is to enable new possibilities, or at the very least, enable better ways of working.
The only scenario where it would make sense to say the photographer is the limiting factor, is if the tog in question is devoid of any talent, or do not push any technical boundaries of what their cameras are capable of e.g. ISO etc.

Well I'm sure Vettel's Red Bull is quicker than Aryton Senna's old McLaren, but I wouldn't say that makes him the better driver !!! ....
If someone believes buying the latest kit every six months will make them a better Photograph, or take better photos than say Ansel Adams (to pick one great) then sadly they are mistaken.....

My point being the Mk1 is fine camera..... sure I've had those browsing moments and wonder to get a newer version... will it make me take better pictures, no... will I like shinny new kit, yeah sure.... (I actually enjoy using my old Contax Digital who's old spec would shock people... Max ISO 400 LOL...)

I just don't feel limited by the Mk1 ISO performance, focus or screen, which seem to be the main complaints. So don't think the OP should be put off, if that what fits the budget..... They won't loose the potential to take great picture.....

Forum is full of pointless willy waving and one up man-ship of the latest camera and super fast lenses... just gives the wrong message to those who perhaps are trying to get started, suggesting they need bags full of prime lenses and only the latest from Canon/Nikon will suffice..... People often get caught in spec's, and loose a bit of reality ..... same happens in Audio ;)

It's about understanding and capturing light, with great composition.... They all have an aperture, shutter and means of focus..... after that it's down to the photographer.....
To me that makes no sense. All else being equal a better tool will provide a better outcome.
Whether or not they are producing images that are better than some great photographer is irrelevant, as long as they are producing work that is better than previous. Arguing how much better is semantics.

What do you shoot with you 5dc btw?
To me that makes no sense. All else being equal a better tool will provide a better outcome.
Whether or not they are producing images that are better than some great photographer is irrelevant, as long as they are producing work that is better than previous. Arguing how much better is semantics.

Let's stop now, this topic has been done to death ever since the first paintbrush was invented.
Exactly, new paints and techniques allowed more avenues of possibility to create art. leonardo da vinci was apparently prolific in doing just that, he didn't separate science and art.
A better tool might make it easier and more efficient to achieve a goal but if the end result is nigh on the same , and let's be honest a 5Dc will produce every bit as stunning images as a mkiii ,it boils down to budget and is it worth paying the extra £££ for the latest kit and features
The simple way to look at it is to start with what you can afford. If you find you need more down the road, then upgrade.
Thanks for all your input guys this has really helped... In a way that it has made me look at myself, my kit just now and what I should be looking at next. I definitely have a lot more to think about than I thought I did!

I haven't managed to get a hold of the 5D yet to try out, so hopefully over the weekend.

Think we can leave the thread where it is now as it has seemed to get out of hand above ;) Either way a if I had a 5d3 or a d2 or a d1 I would be a happy chappie (in saying that I have been a happy chappie with a 500d) They are all good cameras just at different stages of life/age.
D1? Please don't say you're actually considering a D1 as opposed to a 1D. The D1 was Nikon's first DSLR (I think) and boy is it rubbish by today's standards
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