A nearby neighbour caught our car. What to do next?

1 Mar 2007
A neighbour a few doors down accidentally caught our car whilst reversing in the dark. We all had a look at it at night and it seemed to be practically nothing, but in daylight it's a fair bit worse. It goes across two separate panels (front passenger door + front bumper).

It's not the end of the world obviously and we're not super fussy people but a little concerned about it rusting up over time potentially, but really not experts on this. Does anybody have any thoughts on how to proceed with neatening up something like this? :)

Picture below.

Any help very appreciated!
Honestly get a professional to do it, though it will cost. Trying to neaten it up yourself unless experienced or just naturally skilled will I pretty much guarantee result in it looking great for about 3 days then a load of holographic swirls and/or other issues like discolouration, patchiness, spotty or splodgy issues appear.
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I agree that I'd probably take that to a smart repair place..

If those are scuff marks vs scratches (i.e. they've gone through the red paint to the primer, you need a smart repair)

You could try just some G3 Pro Scratch Remover or G3 Pro Paint Renovator, this is hand applied and has some reasonable 'cut' to just see what can be taken from the surface and then go from there.. but if it left deeper scuffs/scratches, just get the neighbour to agree to pay for a smart repair, should be in the £100-£150 range.
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Thank you very much for the replies, guys, much appreciated. I'll do exactly this after speaking with the neighbour hopefully today. There's a very small dent too it seems, which doesn't show up on the picture.
Don't let him off scott free.

Get it smart repaired, and they foot the bill.

This will also make them more aware of their surroundings going forward.
IMO it's perfectly fine to let people off, it all depends on the OP's relationship with that neighbour.

Zero point ruffling feathers over basically nothing, I prefer to pick my battles, that wouldn't be one I'd bother with.
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