A scsi question?

10 Jan 2004
UK near you :)
ok just a quick question, how loud are scsi drives? my raptor isnt what i call loud, asked a mate of mine if he could get me another 74gb raptor but he seems to think the scsi is a much faster drive he can get hold of 36gb scsi's for about 48+ vat, whats your opinions on these?


I think it depends on the drive and if its 10k or 15k - I've got a maxtor Atlas 73GB 10K and it makes a whine nothing major but slightly lounder than the IDE.

However at work have an old 18.2GB IBM 7.5K drive and that's loud on idle.

On access they do churn away, any idea what model they are ?

Depends on the drive. My two 10k IBM/Hitachi drives do whine loudly. But this can be dealt with. I have whacked them into the 5.25 inch bays and used disk caddies for them. This reduces the noise levels, and adds better cooling. I have then used parts of rubber car mats to reduce more vibration. It doesn't take too mcuh effot to kill the noise :)
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