A send off... 2 weeks in Europe

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Morning guys,

I've got the time booked off, I want to book my ferries today...

Before I sell the Multistrada, I'm going to tour Europe on it for 2 weeks. Now I've got it back, I forgot how much I love it. It's the perfect bike :p

Anyway, I was intending on coming in to Le Harve from Portsmouth and then pretty much sticking to the west coast all the way down to the top of Spain. Then going over to Barcelona. Then roughtly heading up through Italy, Germany, Switzerland, The Netherlands and Belgium. Before returning from Calais on the channel tunnel.

Here is a rough route... Google maps

I'm looking for as much input and advice as possible. I've only done a few small trips to the EU. Nothing of this scale.

I will be taking camping gear and would prefer to camp most nights to keep bills down. I would obviously prefer hostels in the cities. Also, maybe 2 or 3 break days. I'm thinking the weekend somewhere in the middle. Not sure where though...

I'm going to be avoiding motorways 90% of the time. The blast down south will most likely be Motorways as France is flat... Very flat... So getting the start out of the way will be handy. Google maps won't allow me to do such a plan without manually putting in all the roads by hand.

So yea, anyone got any tips or advice for me? I'm going solo... Also, gear... Suggestions? I was thinking kevlar jeans (with armour) and a nice touring jacket. My current stuff is ok, but mainly for commuting. And I'm not wearing my leather gimp suit on a sports tourer lol.

Oh, due to length of trip, max mileage a day would be 350... Average would ideally be about 250/300. Mostly leaving around 0900 in the morning on most days. It's a riding experience, not visiting places so don't worry about walking around places taking in culture. I'm there to ride! Max amount of miles I would like to do is 3,000 in total.


EDIT: Kit... I'm thinking this as my current stuff is simply TOO hot... Even with the liner removed.

http://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_rev/76321 - Jacket
http://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/120817 - Jeans

I don't need knee sliders simply because the big red dog is a bit of a beast to crank over that much, footpegs normally hit before the edge of the tyre. I will be wearing boots and gloves as normal...
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Aces, awesome advice, I got a pair of trusty waterproof overalls and the jacket has it's own as well, so doubled up if worst comes to worst. My boots are goretex sidi ones, waterproof. As are my gloves, Alpinestars 365's, gotetex and waterproof.

So, other than that, can I ask, how did you plan the route? Did you simply have one large journey planned in your satnav and simply pull over when you'd had enough? I can't seem to find an efficient way of setting up 'trips' under an itinerary. So a destination each day, some days with specific routes.

I'm using Tyre software with my TomTom Rider v5

Kit wise, I bought the stuff I linked above, jeans and jacket. My current textiles are for winter, too hot and bulky. My leathers... Well I'm going on a sports tourer, it would look stupid.

I have a lot of storage space, a lot... So I don't really have much to worry about there. Still in 2 minds about taking the top box or no as I already have 2 panniers to fill up.

The main point of the top box is when I pull over I can plant my helmet in it and walk around as normal in my jeans (linked above) and boots.
Thanks for all the responses guys. I will plan the route then with way points. The TomTom might be smart enough to put them in as such and then I can see distance until the next stop. Also, the compass idea sounds good!

Top box and panniers it is then. The tent, sleeping bag and mat can sit in front of the top box on the pillion seat using bungee cords.

Exciting stuff!
350 is absolute max. The only time I'll be doing that is the motorway run down to southern France to the Spanish border. 2 long trip days. From there, I have 13 days to do the alps, Germany's black forest and the Netherlands. With a day or 2 resting here and there.

I have yet to understand the scale of the trip, it's only 2 weeks sure... But I can imagine it will become a bit of a hardship at some point. But having backpacked around pretty much the entire world, I reckon I'll be alright :D

After the first couple of days getting the flat lands of mid France out of the way, I will expect to do 250, maybe as low as 200 a day accross the alps. I've worked out the Alps could take me 5 days... If I'm taking it easy and generally having shorter more relaxed days. Which, if I'm honest, I'd rather do as I don't want to risk losing concentration on those roads!

I'm going off of this route for the Alps: http://www.bestbikingroads.com/moto...alpes-cote-d-azur-/alpen-master-_22e8284.html

And then this for the Black Forest, however, I've noticed the end of the Alps route and start of the blackforest are pretty far apart. If I can't get from one to the other in less than a day, I might have to kick the bucket on this black forest route: http://www.bestbikingroads.com/moto...wurttemberg-/b500--baden-baden--_25254c1.html

I do have a question about camping, is it easy to pitch up anywhere? Or will it be easier just searching for a campsite? Generally, I expect to be pitched up by 7pm latest and gone by 9am in the morning. I'm going to put together the Alps Master route and a Black Forest route tonight. I think doing both might require more time than I have as I'd like to spend a day or 2 in Amsterdam and also some time at the Nurbergring.

Oh, as for stickers, not an option :P I'm selling the bike when I get back. Hence the send off.
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You could always buy the stickers and keep them as a memento? Perhaps stick em on your fridge?? :D

Camping wise, you will probably not be roughing it like if you were meandering across Mongolia, so I would just do some searches for places that have pitches available. Loads of parks and camping/caravan sites you can go to. You may even be able to download point of interest markers for your satnav that contains all the camping sites available. Usually you can just roll up and pay the fee and get a pitch. But I guess it depends on how busy they are. You can also find some really reasonable B&B's too. I know you want to keep costs down, but trust me your bum will be glad of a soft bed every now and again! :D

Physically, camping plus hours in the saddle can be hard work particulalry if you are really having to ride your bike on technical roads. The mental tiredness sets in too. But you sound like you are already pretty fit so you should be OK. But in case you do start to chafe, I would take something to help. People use all sorts. Plasters, vaselene, sanitary towels - all kinds of stuff! Obviously it depends on if you are using a backpack as well as panniers and how well your boots are worn in etc.

By the way, which era Mutlistrada are you on? I have heard the new ones are epic, but you need a mortgage to buy one! :(

I'm on a 2011 one mate, 1200S. It did cost me an arm and a leg, and I'm having to choose between that and a 3ltr BMW M sport... Both vehicles are costing me more than I would pay for a 2 bed flat to rent in Reading per month...

So, the bike is going. And is the car, and then me, to work in Boston, US :)

Thanks for the tips, I have sort of acquired a tonne of bits and bobs from backpacking, all sorts of silly stuff. First aid kit with needles and such, sewing kit, playing cards (the best item to take traveling anywhere, got me friendly with some guys on the streets of Mumbai!) etc etc.

I think my biggest concern as it stands is navigation. I've learnt the TomTom just isn't going to cut it for these long, pre planned waypoint trips. It simply won't support them. So I'm selling that to get a Zumo 660.

And as much as I like to plan things. I think having every single road laid out on my Sat Nav will be silly, so I want to wing half of it.

I'm going to cut Spain for sure, in total, it saves me 3 days. That's 3 days elsehwhere that I can rest in and the likes.

EDIT: just totalled up a rough route... It's just tipped over 3,000 miles!!! Going to have to cut something out... I've got 2 rest days, one after the alps route (which is 4 days solid). And then another 4 days later in Amsterdam. By rest day, I mean as in arrive the night before, drive away the morning after. So an entire day of nothing.

I'm thinking I could cut out the need to do the Black Forest... But I'm told this is an EPIC place to go.

I might go for a ride on the day in Amsterdam as there is a town just south that I have some buddies in, 30 miles or so... A cake walk lol.
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Well, it might work, but I think the TomTom still only supports up to 100 way points. Which will cause issues.

I'd rather just get rig and get a garmin, it seems it's more friendly for trips like this.
Hey, just wondering what gear you're going to end up taking? Looks like there could be a bit of rain over the 2 weeks we're both over there.

I'm going to have a similar jacket to you with mesh panels and was thinking of just taking a good pair of kevlar denims and some waterproofs, something like these.


My mesh jacket has an inner waterproof liner but doubt it would hold up to a proper day of wet riding.

I'll post kit in a bit. Where are you getting the forecast from?
Yea, I think I will keep the tank topped up and pull over when I got a quarter of a tank left.
I might take a sneaky 2L bottle of fuel then just to be on the safe side... Although that is probably serious overkill.
I was also thinking about taking £500's worth of Euro's for fuel. So I can keep track of what I've spent. Wise or not so wise?
Get a euro pre pay credit card from travelex or similar. Should definitely be accepted and handy at keeping this separate. I used a dollar one in the US for a roadtrip.

Why didn't I think of this? Free withdrawals as well... DONE!
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