A small idea

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4 Jan 2005
Maybe it's worth considering splitting console games and hardware into four subforums; Microsoft Nintendo Sony and Other (as there's a lot of consoles out there, maybe best to just do companies). This would dramatically reduce trolling and 'fanboy wars' and cut down on the amount of moderation needed.

Nowadays it's all petty sniping now, which reduces even the most sane and logical person into a slavering drone spurting propaganda and bullet points ("bluraylol") and practically entices everyone else to join in and derails threads for all. We've all been guilty of this at one point or another.
I still believe the sony fanboys would come into the 360 forum and vica versa. I think tbh a better solution would be to crackdown harder on people that take topics off topic with their fanboy arguments.
Shamikebab said:
I still believe the sony fanboys would come into the 360 forum and vica versa. I think tbh a better solution would be to crackdown harder on people that take topics off topic with their fanboy arguments.

There is fanboyism, and there is pure fact.

But fanboys don't take kindly to it on either side of the fence.

It'll be hard to regulate them without eliminating any discussion between the two completely.
This has been gone over before and it would be the worst thing for the section.

Shamikebab said:
I still believe the sony fanboys would come into the 360 forum and vica versa.


The Mod's don't ignore this kind of petty crap that some members post, we are taking it all into account and those that disrupt constantly will be dealt with accordingly.
There are certain people in this forum that need moderation. They are the ones that constantly throw threads off course.

Good News Threads = fanboys coming in to try and rain on the parade. The Good news can be about a price cut, a new game or some new Dev anouncement, But that doesnt matter, because a fan boy will come into the thread and throw in some useless, crap and completely irrelivent comments.

Which people then reply to, And the thread gets ruined.

For example

PS3 Threads

Post 1: Devs Say Bluray is a god send
Reply: Yeah But Cell is too hard to Develop for

Post 2: Sony Offer New console Price Offers
Reply: Yeah but there are no decent games out

Post 3: Sonys hardware is reliable
Reply: Yeah but the 360 games look better than the PS3 versions

Xbox 360 Threads

Post 1: Get the New Elite now with HDMI
Reply: Yeah does this come with the ROD feature too?

Post 2: New Game Released
Reply: Yeah like thats gonna fit on a DVD9 disk, Not without complications

We know about all these problems, and we also no about more. Why does it have to come into ever thread made?

This isnt necassary


reply: Yeah but ROD will mean you never get to play it

Its turning this forum into a really crap place.

Yes its easy to just not reply, But when it can be any thread, And when threads that seem to be completely fine in the beginning can be turned into slagging matches it kinda gets annoying.

I honestly believe the regular flamers need monitoring closely, and suspending at the drop of a hat. Will atleast put the other wanna be offenders into line

Zefan said:
The Mod's don't ignore this kind of petty crap that some members post, we are taking it all into account and those that disrupt constantly will be dealt with accordingly.

Excellent :)

;) -Z.
I dont think its that bad, there some threads which go out of control but when discussions like that take place there is some genuinly interesting and valid input which would be silly to make a new thread about but at the same time might be worth knowing.
Andybtsn said:
I'm sure you don't need me to spell it out.

Well considering that in my OP I already admitted that we're all guilty of the subject we're trying to avoid, myself included, I'm still confused. Where's the irony?
RuMp3l4$k1n said:
Didn't think we had any fanboys here, everyone always denies it......

I've always admitted that i love gaming, but i am 60/40 split with Sony and MS. Never denied it :)
KNiVES said:
Well considering that in my OP I already admitted that we're all guilty of the subject we're trying to avoid, myself included, I'm still confused. Where's the irony?

It was ironic as you are the main offender so why not grow up a bit and stop with the childish posts, it's not bloody School, we don't need seperating in to different forums.
Shamikebab said:
I still believe the sony fanboys would come into the 360 forum and vica versa. I think tbh a better solution would be to crackdown harder on people that take topics off topic with their fanboy arguments.
You really do amuse me. There was a recent posting where someone had bought a 360, everyone came in to congratulate him etc... Did any PS3 owners come in and throw negative comments around? No, they didn't. Do you know what happens when a PS3 owner/potential owner does the same? All the 360 Fanboys come in and tell him the 360 is better etc and NOT to buy a PS3.

It's the rose tinted Microsoft specs that are the problem around here.
Who cares, I dont bother reading or participating in those threads. Thats all it takes, the thread dissapears and better ones replace it.

The forum certainly doesnt need splitting. GD needs splittng more, one section for help me OCUK I cant wipe my own **** without your input, one section for Ebay woes and one section for help me OCUK my GF has humped my mate. At a push a fourth section for spec me a brain.
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