A tad confused about NVME PCIE drive.

9 Aug 2019
I'm using the Gigabyte Gaming X X570 motherboard and got myself a nice shiny 1tb NVME PCIE M2 drive to use as additional storage as I already have my Windows install on SSD.

What is confusing me is this, if I boot into the bios the NVME shows up but when I boot into Windows it's not there, however if I enable NVME raid mode the NVME no longer shows in the bios but does in Windows.

Is this normal or am I missing some setting in the bios to get the NVME to show in both the bios and Windows ?

My old head is hurting from trying to figure this out as I'm not so good with these techy things.
It's working fine in Windows but only if I have NVME raid mode enabled in the bios. I have X-Plane installed on it and it's working just fine. As soon as I turn raid mode off in the bios the drive doesn't show in Windows at all, not even in disk management.
I figured it should work without nvme raid mode enabled but can't figure out why it doesn't which is confusing me some. When I first installed the nvme it didn't show in disk management but with nvme raid mode enabled as soon as I opened disk management i had the popup saying I need to format it etc. Will the sata mode make a difference ? I currently have that set to AHCI in the bios. Perhaps I should just have a poke around again.
So I tried every combination I could think of and it still only shows in Windows with nvme raid mode enabled so it looks like that's all I can do. Thanks for the replies.
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