Obviously this is not something "i" would do or endorse however i "could" see how someone would deal with this issue in this manner..
I really wouldn't do this but my revenge on a neighbour goes all the way back to around 1981.
The girl next door drove us insane, she had one record Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes and she played it very loud constantly.
One day I had had enough and walked outside for a rest and she was walking down the road, she wasn't even in the house, when I challenged her about it she said it keeps burglars away.
If she had the TV on and it wasn't the same channel as me I had to wear headphones, it was a bad year or so until I finally cracked.
I had a word with my dodgy mate who hired two people to rob her stereo and TV for £100 but one week later she was back at it
We eventually sold the house and about 3 weeks later the new owner got in touch asking if we'd ever had any problems with her to which I replied no, after a while I confessed we had and agreed to write a statement if needed.
Within a month she was evicted.
So the correct answer is go through the proper channels and not what I did.