Was messing around today, teaching myself a little "dhtml" 
So far : http://www.flashygraphics.co.uk/rotator/rotator.html
I am thinking of extending it further with a full 2d animation toolset, just for fun whilst learning the ins and outs of javascript, and maybe even a couple of games or something? Maybe something simple like tetris or something... not sure where to take it atm...
Dunno why I post it here, just thought it was a fun curiousity

So far : http://www.flashygraphics.co.uk/rotator/rotator.html
I am thinking of extending it further with a full 2d animation toolset, just for fun whilst learning the ins and outs of javascript, and maybe even a couple of games or something? Maybe something simple like tetris or something... not sure where to take it atm...
Dunno why I post it here, just thought it was a fun curiousity