A8R32-MVP what is it

chriscatt said:
Hi cenobite, were there any hardware updates in the windows update you performed. I have 18 XP boxes at my school that have USB mice, if I update to the USB driver on windows udate I can guarantee they'll all bluescreen upon reboot...

No updates like that it seems that doing lots of updates break it but individual updates are fine. Will spend more time on it tonight but its getting to that stage of ******* me off so much at not working :(

I could probably install games and stuff on this and it would work fine but the fact I cant windows update does suggest there is something freaky going on and the last thing I want to do is make this my main system and it goes **** up.

Think I will try and theif some memory from work to test that.
Hi Coolasmoo, do you get an option not to install some of the stuff listed in autopatcher? I notice that there are some addons I wouldn't let anywhere near my PC....
chriscatt said:
Hi Coolasmoo, do you get an option not to install some of the stuff listed in autopatcher? I notice that there are some addons I wouldn't let anywhere near my PC....

Yeah, just select/deselect what you want.

This tool is a must for re-installs :)
Thanks Coolasmoo, I'll take a look at it as I'm planning to put X64 back on when my memory issues are sorted out...
Im starting to think theres a faulty batch of these boards, as theres 3 not working now, my mates got returned this week as it was buggered, when power was supplied all it would do is light the leds and jerk the fan, theres another one in here sounds like the same problem, although his doesn't even light up, and theres a one in the general hardware now that only boots now and again, most of the time fans/drives spin up and thats it, no post beeps nowt, just sits there on a black screen.
got to agree with you on this they either work ok with the 311 bios or are a complete pain in the butt

there does not seem to be a half measure ( which is a good thing ) this in turn forces the RMA

I do think that ASUS have a quality promblem that needs to be sorted else there customer base will evaporate

I'm not impressed by any manufacturer at present, all of the motherboards I have seen over the last few months including pre rd580 seem to have major flaws. Whichever company you settle on, there is a massive luck factor involved, consumers should not have to put up with this. We are all so hounded by the upgrade bug, finding it hard to resist taking a chance on a immediate release motherboard, this provides the manufacturers with just enough sales to get over the rma's.

I must admit that the nvidia chipset boards seem to fare better, they have a vast range, and some motherboards are true champions of their time.

I do hope ATI and the mobo crew get their acts together. At this rate AM2 and Conroe will be out before we see anything deserving of unreserved recommendation with this chipset.


ps just got my copy of Oblivion, just about to install......
raja said:

I'm not impressed by any manufacturer at present, all of the motherboards I have seen over the last few months including pre rd580 seem to have major flaws. Whichever company you settle on, there is a massive luck factor involved, consumers should not have to put up with this. We are all so hounded by the upgrade bug, finding it hard to resist taking a chance on a immediate release motherboard, this provides the manufacturers with just enough sales to get over the rma's.

I must admit that the nvidia chipset boards seem to fare better, they have a vast range, and some motherboards are true champions of their time.

I do hope ATI and the mobo crew get their acts together. At this rate AM2 and Conroe will be out before we see anything deserving of unreserved recommendation with this chipset.


ps just got my copy of Oblivion, just about to install......

I think that comment of yours Raja is very near the reason we have troubles , these are just stop gap mb

enjoy Oblivion bit strange at first but gets better got mine today
pasted from the Oblivion readme file:

-ATI Crossfire
Performance on systems using ATI Crossfire will be reduced until ATI releases an updated driver with Oblivion listed as a Crossfire Compatible game.

more waiting............
raja said:
pasted from the Oblivion readme file:

-ATI Crossfire
Performance on systems using ATI Crossfire will be reduced until ATI releases an updated driver with Oblivion listed as a Crossfire Compatible game.

more waiting............

Just aswell i just bought it today for the Xbox360

You could try renaming the .exe to fear.exe and it should work quite well bar abit of menu flicker.

I wish Ati would let us know which games were XFire ready , ive not been able to find much about it really, and im just trusting the CCC to do all the optimization with most things at default/application preference
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Anyone else had any problems with the Hard Disk sometimes not being detected or am I the only one that is this 'lucky' with the motherboard?

Just as an FYI I have a revision 1.03G motherboard for the people with little or no issues what revision are you on?
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HI do you mean not detected in bios, or not detected to the extent that XP won't boot?

My HD's are only detected by bios just after a flash, after that when I have set up raid in the menu they won't show on the hd screen in bios. However, the system works fine and xp loads either way..............

Not detected in BIOS at all unfortunately. I was using a WD secure cable but have switched back over to using the cables supplied with MOBO to see if there is a difference.

As a test have replaced the SATA HDD with an old IDE one, Memory with old PC3700 stuff to see if I can get an XP install working. We shall see.
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Hi, I had issues with my sata drives not being detected when rebooting from a bad boot, this replacment board doesn't seem to have that issue. However, as raja has pointed out, you realise that the bios only 'sees' the sata drives once, after that they are removed from the list and only appear in the ULi raid configuration.
Some dispirited peps in here these days, lets keep it positive, early days yet and Asus were the first....
Although it wasnt in bios it wasnt booting either but after I decided to ignore windows update (which is unfortunate) the system is working fine. Does 3dmark 2001 (27851) at stock (any good?) and just in process of downloading the massiv 3dmark 2005.

Once again Gary Key has be kind and emailed me with his latest findings:

'The retail board I am testing is a 1.03G. Our review board and those at
some other sites is a 1.02 (DriverHeaven is a 1.03G looking at the
pictures). We have thoroughly reviewed the boards and cannot find a
difference in components at this time. The RD580 chipset is revision

I apologize for not writing sooner but we are determined to figure out
the differences in the boards. The majority of the review sites
generated very positive reviews of the boards and some (not all) of the
issues faced by the end-user community were not found with the first
of review boards, believe me we have tried to recreate them along with
two other web sites.

I currently have our retail board at 9x310 (4000+ San Diego) with the
memory at 2.5-4-4-10 1T and have completed our test suites and 6 hours
of Prime95 torture testing. I also tested the board on-line with BF2
City of Hero's last night for a few hours with success. The board will
generate MemTest86 errors at 9x306 and up. Prime95 and SuperPI will
at anything above 9x310 with the memory settings at 1T although I had
one successful run at 9x315. I had the board at 9x330 with the memory
2T and Prime stable but once I inserted the second X1900XT card, my max
overclock dropped to 9x305 with memory at 2T, 9x294 at 1T.

I have switched over to an Opteron 170 today and will let you know the
results this weekend. I once again thank you for your assistance.

If you like Oblivion then download the 1.33 Realtek HD drivers and the
just released 2.20 ULi SATA drivers. I think some of the initial
popping/static in the newer games along with a possible timing issue in
M1575 have been resolved now. The worst scenario I noticed was with
based games (Internet applets) and F.E.A.R./BF2/GTR where long level
load times would create background hiss during drive access. I did not
have these issues with the 1.33/2.20 driver combination.


So things are still up and down for some, and his findings comfirm what we know here, that it's a mixed bag..........

Still it's nice to know someone is willing to take time out, and help.
Any more info and I'll update you guys as soon as I recieve it....

Re-installed XP and did a windows update straight away, everything fine. Answers on a postcard please. . .

This is almost like a game, only its a very expensive one :)
I'm having problems downloading the v2.2 drivers for the M1575 from the ULI website. I click on the download link and ie just waits ages then times out. When I try via manually using ftp, I can log in, get to the file but when I try downloading it I'm informed that the file cannot be opened...?

Is there an alternative download location for the file?

( EDIT: Nevermind - finally managed to get them. Must just be a busy server. ;) )

Managed to get the V1.34 drivers for audio though. :D

My board has been rma'd due to the noise from the board. Hopefully the replacement will be better. :confused:
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Just spotted this entry on the DH forums too - thought it may be of interest..

"My re-post as it has some potential relevance to the fun A8R32 release:

I'm finally at liberty to say that the big huge long threads that I started here and on Rage3d about the Asus A8R-MVP + CAT 6.2/6.3 cpu hits had been confirmed by ATI labs several weeks ago. After all that testing... and all that time... we discovered it was an Asus motherboard defect, not a problem with the Catalyst drivers. The newer Catalyst 6.2/6.3 drivers enhanced an existing problem with the Asus motherboard on X1800/X1900 boards with 512 Meg of RAM. It is a single CPU register being incorrectly set by the ASUS bios, which results in writes across the PCIE bus going at half speed.

So I found the problem with the board/card - but ATI did the engineering to resolve the problem. Asus has sent an updated BIOS to ATI that does correct the issue, but stability tests have not been completed and there's no information on when/if this BIOS will be posted.

The irony? After the hundreds of hours I put into narrowing down this problem, the extra work ATI had to do to with their drivers to isolate the exact problem - is if Asus had simply responded to my initial requests for help I'd never have even posted these problems here. Lack of proper testing and (in my own opinion, not ATI's opinion) poor engineering has made the A8R-MVP and the A8R32 needlesssly problematic for everyone. If Asus bothered to monitor their own forums, respond to tech e-mails, read their own webforms... they could have run a simple test and seen this too. But instead it took a lot of effort from a lot of people to get Asus to listen. This is not satisfactory for a Tier-1 manufacturer, and to me, there appears to be massive disconnect between levels of managment, support and engineering at Asus.

I'd like to thank ATI, DH, and Rage3d for providing an outlet for our frustrations and concerns, without the help of which many of us Asus A8R(32)-MVP users would have been (for lack of a better term) screwed.

It's a real tribute to ATI that unlike many hardware companies, they closely monitor forums and work honestly and openly to address problems. If only all hardware venders had this kind of concern us end-users would be in a much better situation.

I think competition can sometimes bring out the best in companies and I hope DFI, Gigabyte/MSI, A-Bit have monitored the Asus situations and are preparing to capitalize on these mis-steps. I do wish there was a more constructive way to post these frustating series of events in relation to Asus - but honestly there's just no way. Everyone makes mistakes and nothing can be perfect, but it's obvious the last 6 months of Asus mobo releases does not fall in the "accidents happen" category. I'll be re-posting this note in all the relevant threads."

....hmm.... don't know if this is still a current issue....?
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