Abit NF7S - Resetting BIOS on Power switch?

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Silly issue, not seen this one, but I dug the Board out, it has an XP2500 on it, so I built it up cos the 2500 runnsgreat at 200FSB, and sure enough, it works perfectly fine except for one thing...

If I try pressing the power button to power it down, instead of doing that, it resets itself and then the CPU is found at a 100FSB job... In other words as an MP1100 ?

Now, CPUs resorting to this is nothing new, and usually ist a default perhaps showing the Battery is tunning down maybe, and this was my first thought, and even with the Power switch, I had kind of hoped, but no. No different?

It did it with the Mobo out of a case ( i.e quick test before wasting time trying to fit it all together ) and it does it in a case too, its not the switch itself and naturally I have checked this.

I have also re-updated the BIOS and it has not helped at all either.

Im kind of putting it down to the Mobo on its way out, and this would be a shame, but there you go.

Any other clues?
I had the same prob with a board, accept it kept loosing the bios settings when the power was lost. I changed the batt and Ive had no probs since.
Sorry, ok, I dont say in EXACT words that I changed it no, but I did say that "The battery running down was my first thought", and I should have also added... "And so I changed it."

I was kind of trying to type as little words as possible cos I have an irritating habbit of typing down more than I need.

So, anyway, sorry about that, I should have been clearer.

I will, just to be doubly-sure, check the replaced battery too, as I have stock that are years old, they might not be up to par??? - Might need to buy another batch perhaps?
i've got the exact same problem on i think a AN7 (i think), pretty much the same as that board

tried replacing the batt once, might get another incase it was a duff

i only use it for holding my backups on, but it's annoying
OK, daft question no.1 - why would you want to use the power switch to power it down rather than let Windows (or whatever) do it?
Not a silly question at all, very valid one.

The thing is, that its there, I know its there, but as Bledd says, his has been doing it for yonks, so I can live with it, if I know that this is going to be ok, but its just bloody annoying to know its there... You know?

So, no, not a daft questio, perhaps a daft answer but its an honest one.
My NF7-S did this (cold booted with 100FSB) and it turned out to be the 5vsb (voltage stand by) rail on the PSU. It was rated at 2A or something and I'd been charging my satnav from the USB ports with the computer switched off. That meant it was being charged by the 5vsb and it may have damaged the badly designed PSU, on the other hand it may have just been a coincidence.

Either that, or this motherboard is just very hard on the 5vsb lines of PSU's. I noticed the next revision of my PSU had a "strengthened 5vsb", so it may have been a known weakness anyway.

Look at the motherboards red 5vsb LED. Is it slightly flickering, or is it a solid red colour? If it is slightly flickering, it's the PSU as this motherboard requires a solid 5vsb. Can you try a different one? When I replaced the PSU, it went back to being a bright solid red colour and my fsb problems went away immediately.

My damaged PSU works fine on another motherboard, so the NF7 is quite strange in its requirement of a perfect 5vsb for normal booting. Other motherboards are not as fussy. If you do a search on the net, you'll find others have had this problem with the NF7-S.
the 100fsb reset is just a failsafe setting that it defaults to so that's not really a problem, it's the failure to power down that is.
Spirits247 - You're the man!

I didnt bother checking anything out, I just swapped the PSU and as soon as I switched the power on ( Not booted up, just power to the PSU ) the LED Light shone... I forgot about that, and anyway, I turned it on, went into the BIOS ( Simply to avoid booting up ) and pressed the power button and it went off straight away... Wohoo!

I then booted her up properly, got to the desktop, and powered down from there, and it works fine.

Going back to the LED Light, I plugged the other PSU in, and the LED was so dim that it wasnt realyl lighing it up at all...

Thanks man... Or woman? ... Or hermaphrodite?


I owe you one whatever the score.


Thanks to everyone by the way... I love this board, and I was chuffed to get it back up and running after so long... Ill throw it back up to 200FSB again no doubt as its still more than capable against any celeron setup out there, so a sahme to waste it eh?
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