About to start w/c

5 Dec 2006
Ok.... this weekend I am finally going to install the Swiftech Apex Ulta+ kit. I just had a couple of questions that would ease my mind a little....

The kit comes with a CPU, GPU and Chipset water block, however I've heard a lot of people say not to bother with the chipset one. Would everyone agree?

Also, when it is up and running, is it better to NEVER kill the power to the PC so the pump keeps on running? At the moment when I shut down I turn off at the wall too, but would constantly powering up and down be bad for the pump / water loop?

And finally, what's the best way to leak test IN the PC? I have to connect the tubes thropugh drilled holes in the back to reach the rad which I'll attach using the rad box, so this means I can't do the old "outside the PC - paper towels" test. Or I could do it this way and have to reconnect the tubes after testing which would seem to defeat the purpose....

Answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated!
Shouldn't be any prolems with turning on and off your water pump. I do it all the time and haven't noticed any problems, although I don't have the same kit as you.
The best way to leak test inside a computer is to unplug all your drives, motherboard etc and just plug in the molex into the pump, this way if any water leaks out, your components don't have any juice going through them and a good dry out should be ok. You have to short out 2 pins on the motherboard connector of your psu to get it to power up though. There are guides on this lurking on the net somewhere.
Put some tissues underneath all your joints, you can then see if they are leaking easier.

By the way, I take no responsibility if any of your hardware dies as a result of this, it is always better to leak test outside of a pc than inside it.
depends on your mobo and chipset but leave it out for now.

pump is connected to psu, it dont matter how you switch of/on.

leave rad in place , connect your blocks, hose etc as you want it to fit in the case,then remove the kit whole, you should have enough movement to test outer case without disconnecting , reconnecting everthing.

good luck :)
Thanks for all the above....

The MOBO is a P5B Wifi Deluxe - they give you a little tiny fan which sits on the motherboard to cool the chipset if you're watercooling so it'd be a pity to waste that! Also, they reckon the fewer joints the better don't they?

Mercyless - in your example for leak testing, this would mean keeping the tubes atached to the rad THROUGH the back of the case dragging out the mobo/gpu pump, reservoir etc to be outside the case. Is this what you meant?
except the motherboard, leave it in place, just remove w/c kit whole, you should be able to lay it down beside you case for testing.

fill with coolant, shake rad, pump when filling to release trapped air until you cant anymore, then short psu, please check which wires on guides, , leave running until all bubbles disappear and no leaks.
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